1 - Blue Fluffy Dress

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*Y/N's POV*

"Harry!" I said while walking downstairs. I told Harry yesterday I need to buy for myself a dress for my mom's birthday, and we're going to buy it now.

"Yeah baby?" Harry spoke.

"Are you ready?"
"what are we waiting for? Let's go!"

*Harry's POV*

As we got to the place, Y/N started running and going into all the stores. After a few minutes we got into Gucci and started looking for dresses.

"Omg! What do you think about this one?" Y/N said to me exited, while holding a blue fluffy dress.

"You should totally try it babe" I replied to her.

After 3 minutes of waiting for Y/N to come out the fitting room, she finally came out. And when she did, I lost it.

"I— wow" is all I could say. She looked beautiful, I couldn't take my eyes off her for a second.

"Do you like it?" She asked me.

"I- I love it, as much as I love you. You look amazing" I told her back.

"Aww thank you, I love you too. but isn't this dress making me look like a blue frog or something?"

I laughed. "No baby, it's not. You're totally wrong. You look like a princess"

She started walking towards me and said:
"I love you so much. Thanks for coming with me"

"Always. I love you too baby girl". I pressed my hand on her cheek and gave her a sweet kiss. We pulled away and Y/N changed into her clothes. As soon as she finished she took the dress and we paid for it.

When we exited the store, we started to walk over my car, and before I could open the door she kissed me again. Oh god, I love this girl.

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