5 - Three years anniversary

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*Harry's POV*

Today my girlfriend, Y/N and I, were 3 years together. Today the boys and I were having our last show on tour, too. I asked management if they could move the date of the show, so I could do something special for Y/N, but they disagree.

However, I didn't give up and instead found another idea how we're going to celebrate it. Y/N didn't know anything about my surprise, and I even acted like I didn't remember the date, so she will be even more surprised.

The lads and I walked on stage. Screams and fans were everywhere, the noise was even louder than the rest of the performances we had this year. I guess because it's out last one for a long time.

We were at the half of the concert when Zayn started to sing Night Changes, then Liam and then me. After I finished my part I over the direction of where Y/N was and when I spotted her in the crowd I smiled at her and blew her a kiss.

*Y/N's POV*

Today was Harry's and I three year's anniversary. I didn't hear him mentioning it lately, like he forgot or something. I really hope he didn't, I would be really upset... but who knows, maybe he did remember but he feels bad he needs to perform today so he didn't mentioned it at all.

Half of the show passed by and the boys were now singing Night Changes. Suddenly I searched for Harry after watching Louis singing his part, and I found him going backstage. I was confused but I didn't really paid attention to it because he does change his shirt almost every show, you know, because of the sweat and everything.

Even though, Harry came back, and he did change his shirt. Something about 3 songs were left till the show was over. I stood up to go to the toilet, after all I've been sitting here for 1 hour and half, when suddenly I hear Harry.

"No Y/N, back to seat please," I immediately turned back and saw everyone looking up at me. I mouthed to Harry I'll go back in 5 minutes and he just replayed to me with a "no". I sighed, and sat on my seat at the balcony again.

"So, I don't know if some of you know but today is a very special day to me. Today was 3 years since I started dating this beautiful girl up there in the balcony." Harry started saying, all the crowd screaming. When I heard what he said I soon smiled and was so happy knowing he didn't forgot it.

"It's been 3 years since then and I cannot describe with words how happy I am with you, Y/N. How lucky I am to have you and how much I love you."

As soon as I heard it my knees got weak although I was sitting, until a bodyguard came to me and told me Harry sent him to take me to the stage. When we arrived, Harry came to me, took my hand with his, and leaned us to the center.

"Now that you're here, I want to tell you some things. First of all, I love you so much," "I love you too" I said and smiled to him. "and I can't think of anything I want to do more than spend the rest of my life with you and have a family with you," my heart started pounding out of my chest, what was he doing? Was he going to-

My heart fully stopped when he gave his microphone to Niall and got down on one knee. His left hand reached for his jacket pocket and grabbed a small beautiful dark blue box, and opened it.

"So, Y/F/N, will you marry me?" He said, with his dimples smile I love to death. I took me something about 10 seconds to process all that was happening, my vision started to be blurry because my eyes started to water.

I wiped my tears from my right eye and from the left one, smiled the biggest smile I had and said half screaming; "yes!!! Oh god, yes yes yes!!!" I was now fully crying and Harry smiled at me even wider. He took the ring out of the box, putting in on my shaky finger. When he was done he stood up, pulled me close to him and kissed me. I could feel all his happiness and love through the kiss and I couldn't help but smile into it. He smiled as well and we pulled out. He hugged me tight and I did too. For those seconds I forgot where we were and then all the noise came back to me. All the area was full of screams and jumps and I never felt happier.

"I love you Harry, I love you so so much" I was still crying, "I love you too baby. So so much". And that's how the day that changed my life forever was. It was the best day of my life.

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