13 - Emotionally killed

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Killing, poisoned (at a bar), heartbreak, cheating.

Don't you ever dare drink a drink at a bar. one second you didn't watch it — the next second your life could change forever. If you'll still have one.

There are mean people in this cruel world, and believe me — you don't want to get them inside of you.

Poison inside a drink... who the hell started that shit? And who the fuck are the people that do it?

You disgust me.

But when you take poison, no one says those things about you. They just care and ask the same questions.

Why did they do it?
When did they do it?
What did they take?

I am your own poison, Harry.
And I'm the one who gave it to you.

People do not agree with people that kill each other. They just want peace. Killing is not okay. When you kill someone, you kill twenty. At least twenty more humans, just by the fact that the dead one is not here anymore. They lost them.

It's horrible, they say. It's illegal, they say.
Killing someone could also get you in trouble, they say.

And all of these are the bare truth.

So Harry, why didn't you get me in trouble?...

I killed you by the day I broke your heart.

I didn't kill your physically, but emotionally...
I know how that feels like. I've been there too. But like you — the one that got it all.

The one that got cheated on.

The one that trusted. (Too much).

The one that would erase everything just to have that old time again. Because they love the other person so much, it will hurt less if they stay.

The one that cried so hard, with no stops, until they had no more tears left and  gasping for air.

The one, that thought they will always be loyal for each other, but didn't get it.

And I can't believe I'm the one that made you feel all of that. The one that hurt you, poisoned you, killed you. Because if that's not killing, somebody shoot me in the head, please.

I'm so sorry, baby, I'm so so sorry....
I can do nothing to change the past, and the actions I've made.

If I wasn't that dumb, stupid... it could work.

We could work.

But it won't anymore, and that's my fault.

And you have all the right to not forgive me,
But know that I'm sorry.

How are you, By the way?

Hey babes, sorry I didn't post in ages. Literally, ages, fucking months. (Language, sorry)

I'll start writing more,
Love you all!!!!

Have a great day, M :)


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