7 - The Phone

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*Harry's POV*

"You're not going to catch me!" I tease Y/N, my best friend, while I'm running with her phone in my hand. I turn my head a bit to see her running after me as well, while screaming at me to stop.

"Harry stop!", "give me back my phone!", "harrryyy!!" Is all I can hear from her. I laugh at her screaming at me and continue running for another minute until I ran out of air and I stop. I turn around to see Y/N but she's not there. I just ran 3 streets, so I could see if she was in one of them. But she's not. Where could she be?

"Y/N? Y/N where are you?" I scream, not minding the other people walking beside and behind me. "Are you hiding?" I scream again, but I don't hear her answering me. I frown my eyebrows, looking for her. I search behind trees, inside stores, wherever she could be at. When I cant find her after a few minutes, I start to worry and I begin to walk back the streets with her phone.

Out of nowhere, she comes behind me and yells "Booo!!" I jump, turning around and I hear her laughing at me. "What the hell Y/N, you scared the hell out of me!" She keeps laughing. "I looked for you everywhere, I was scared something happened to you. Now where did you come from?"

She tries to stop laughing, until she stops. "Aww you were scared something happened to me?" She pouts, "You're so cute. And where did I come from? That's a secret." I watch her continuing laughing at me and I start too. After a while she tells me; "Okay, that was funny but cmon, give me my phone back." "No" I tell her with a smirk. "Cmon Harry, just give it to me" "No, try to get it from me" I reply to her.

"Harry no, please don't run again, my legs hurt enough. Just give me my phone." I don't change my response. "Nope?" I hear her sigh; "Harry what's your problem? Just give me my damn phone already". She says and tries to get it from my hand. I do whatever I can do she won't be able to get it, and she sighs once again.

I don't know how, but she takes the phone. Before she takes it fully out of my hands it slips and fall into the ground. "Oops, sorry, let me get it for you." I say to her and go down to grab it. Once I grab it I see a new message. I don't want to read it but I do. "What are you doing down there?" Y/N asks me but I don't answer.

I read that the message was from Amber, her best friend. I'm of course am her best guy friend, but to be honest, I'd do everything to be more then that.

I read the message:
"Sooo? cmon, just tell him u like him already. I'm sure Harry likes you too."

I smirk to myself, and get up with the phone in my hands. She takes it from me and her eyes are immediately wide open. "D-did you read m-my message?" She looks at the phone, not me, and I see her cheeks glowing red.

"Yeah, I did, I'm sorry.. do you, do you like me?" I ask her, looking into her eyes once she looked at me to answer me. She takes a deep breath and answers. "Yeah, I do. I do like you Harry, for a long time now.. to be honest, from the first time I saw you."

I smirk, and keep watching her eyes. I break into a smile, I can feel my dimples showing up as I wrap an arm around her waist, pulling her close to me, and another hand takes her cheek right cheek. I can hear her heartbeat.

"I like you too Y/N, from the first time I saw you. I was afraid to tell you because I was afraid to ruin our friendship. That's why I'm cheeky or annoying sometimes," I chuckle "I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologize," she chuckles too. "that's cute actually."



I stroke my thumb on her cheek, "can I kiss you?" I ask her. She looks deep into my eyes, and smiles wider. "Yes, please" and with that, I pull her even closer to me and kiss her lips. Our kiss is soft and passionate. Her arms wrap around by low body, hugging me and giving me a sign to continue the kiss. I do as she asks and I continue, but I pull out some seconds after. We watch each other's eyes while we catch our breath. We smile and hug each other. I take her small hand in my big one as we start walking to no where.

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