12 - break up?

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Thank you so so much for 1K+ views!!! You all made me so happy <<3 i couldn't thank you enough!!
A special thank you for those who voted and added this book to their reading list as well <<3

Also, 1.6k words baby... the longest chapter I've ever written so far. have fun!


I'm so tired. It's been two months of Harry just going to work, coming home late, eating, going to sleep and repeating all of that over and over again. Two months of waiting for him, on the sofa, just praying to God he would come earlier than the night before. I don't even remember the last time we shared a kiss.

It feels so bad. Just a couple of weeks ago he would show me so much love, if it's by telling me he loves me, or cuddle me to sleep. But it's not happening anymore. I don't exist for him anymore.

You know, when we first met, we both had sparkles in our eyes. I was running to work, being late, while he was walking trying to find a building. Turns out it was a flower shop he was heading to, where I worked at the time. What a coincidence.

I remember I ran to the building, and by accident I bumped into him and we both fell on the ground. I was on top of him and he held me close while falling so I won't get hurt.


"Are you ok?" The curly haired boy asked me. He had one arm wrapped around my waist, and the other one around my head so I won't fall on the cold hard floor.

"I'm so, so sorry, how are you? I didn't see you at all, I-I-" he cuts me in the middle of my word, "It's alright love. Now you didn't answer my question. Are you ok? Did you get hurt?"

I blush at his question, fascinated by his accent.

"I'm ok. Thanks for saving me. But, you didn't answer my question as well" I smirk at him while getting back on my feel, holding my hand out for him to grab and get up as well.

"I'm fine" he tells me, smiling, once he's standing on the ground again. "I'm Harry, nice to meet you"

"I'm Y/N. nice to meet you too"

*End of flashback*

Unfortunately, I don't think he loves me anymore. We've been together for three years, and I have a strong feeling it's going to end soon.

It's been amazing, beautiful three years of my life, but sometimes it just doesn't go the way we want it too... sometimes life makes you think and believe you are going to way number one, when in fact you are going to way number two.

Just as a tear escapes my eye, I jump when I hear keys opening up our flat's door. As an instinct I wipe the tear that's on my right cheek now, trying as hard as possible leave no signals of crying.

"Hey Harry, how are you? The food's on the stove." I get up and pick up his plate to warm up his food when he comes and takes it from my hand.

"I can do it by myself."


I take the book I left on the sofa, and go to our shared bedroom to continue reading. I get on my side of the bed and read half a page, when I hear Harry calling me.

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