10 - Straight hair

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*Y/N's POV*

"No! I won't let you do it!" Harry says to me in a serious tone while running away from me, all over the apartment. "Oh come on babe let me," I say to him running after him "I won't tell anyone!"

Harry continued running, and I stopped because I needed air. "Harry stop, it's ok. I won't do it" I screamed all over the house, waiting for Harry to respond. "Harry?"

Suddenly Harry came out of our bedroom, all sweating. "I won't do it if you don't want to, it's ok". I said with my best puppy eyes I had while walking over to Harry.

"You're not joking?" Harry asked me. "Yeah, I won't. I mean I just wanted to straight your hair, but if you really don't want to that's totally fine". I said, adding a pout to my face.

"No, you're lying. Don't use those puppy eyes on me, you know I can't say no to them", Harry told me. "What are you talking about? What puppy eyes?" I looked at him with a bigger pout.

"I can't believe I'm doing this" Harry whispered to himself, "fine let's do it". "Yayyy!! Thank you I love you so much!!" I jumped and grabbed his arm and went to the bathroom.

As we entered he bathroom, I took the hair straighter and connected it to the power. Harry's hair was in a man bun, so I took his (mine) rubber band and put it on my wrist. Harry's hair was now scattered.

He takes my hand and says, "Wait wait wait. Before you do it, there are some things you have to do as a return." "Sure, like what?" I say and put the hair straighter on the little table next to the sink. "First of all, you have to promise me you won't tell anyone about this," Harry says looking deep into my eyes. I let out a chuckle and nod.

"Second of all, no pictures!" I roll my eyes. "Hey don't roll eyes at me like that. Now last thing, I want a kiss". I smile and lean in to kiss him.

I give him a fast kiss and pull out, only to get my chin grabbed by one of his hands, and he kisses me again. we pull out (again) and we smile at each other, with no talking, just looking at each others eyes, until I say; "I love you". He smiles at me wider and says "I love you too".

Some seconds of silence passed by before I grab my hair straighter again. "Okay. Let's start!" I smile and I hear him sigh. He seats on the toilet and I grab a piece of his hair and start to straight it.

When I'm done with that piece, he goes to look at himself in the mirror but I stop him. "No, you can't see until I'm done" I warn him and he sigh once again. After something about 15 minutes, I'm done with all of the hair, so now it was completely straight.

"Ready to see the results?" I said trying not to laugh. His face looks embarrassed, but I don't pay attention to it and instead I put my hands on his face, covering his eyes and leading him to our big mirror in our shared bedroom.

As I lead him to the mirror I hear him getting stuck at tables, chairs.. what isn't he getting stuck at?
"Ouch, ouch! be careful please" Harry mumbles and I answer with an 'ok sorry' and laugh.

"Ok you can open your eyes now" I take my hands off him and he opens his eyes. "Oh god. No no no, no way,". He says, becoming red. "I look so bad. Oh my god Y/N do you actually still love me after me looking like this?" I chuckle and wrap my arms around his neck, "of course I love you. No matter how you look baby" I say and kiss him. I take my phone out of my pocket and take a picture of him when he doesn't see me.

"Please Y/N I said no pictures!" Harry protested, "I'm sorry but you look too adorable like this. I won't show anyone, don't worry" he looks at me with a pout and I peck his lips.

"Okay enough of this. I'm going to shower" I hear Harry saying and he starts to walk into our bedroom to get a towel.

I walk to him and wrap my arms around his body, my face against his back. He turns around and I say; "I'm sorry I straightened your hair baby, but you look amazing. I love you" he smiles at me and kisses me. "I love you too baby," he mumbles against my lips, "get in the shower with me?" I laugh and nod. He takes my hand and we both enter the shower.

Heyyy, so this is today's update, sorry I didn't update sooner.
If you have any requests for me to do let me know! :)

-thanks for reading !! <3

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