14 - Beach Day

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Harry and I decided to go to the beach today, with the rest of the boys and Liam's girlfriend, Sophia, who's one of my best friends as well. We all wanted to go outside, to enjoy the warm sun while playing in the water or just feeling the sand between our toes.

As we got there, the boys were playing volleyball within a minute. As they played, Harry would look at me every one minute or two and send me a wink or a stick of his tongue. I was talking with Sophia, laughing about dumb stuff until we both didn't have any more air.

Sometimes I would pick a glance at the boys, especially at Harry. In one of those times, I saw Niall being pushed into the sand.

"Louis you idiot!" Zayn called, after Louis went to slap the ball to the other side and pushed Niall into the sand on the way.

Louis just pointed at Niall and laughed, the blonde boy having sand all over his face. "Aww why did you do that for?" Niall whined. He rubbed his hands on his face, in hope to wipe all of it out and then got up on his feet.

I shook my head and laughed a bit, these boys really make me laugh sometimes. Louis with his brotherly behavior and annoying his best mates, Niall being the baby of the group. Liam the dad, the protective one, Zayn the shy and caring one. Harry the comedian — if you consider knock knock jokes as comedy. He's the mature one that also has a lot of immature behavior as well. I guess in his world that makes sense.

Anyway, at some point, Sophia and I both decided to get up from the sand and rent two lounge chairs. We went to the sell-man of the beach, and asked for them.

"Hi, could we have two lounge chairs?"

—"sure. That would be 20$"

"Thank you."

Sophia paid him and he put the money in his little pouch bag, then he went and placed the chairs for us.

"Thanks again," Sophia thanked him and he went back to his little spot. "And now we can just lay down, in front of the sea, with these beautiful boys in front of us making a mess out of that game. Put some music, close our eyes and just relax. Now this is the life." I laugh and nod my head, also happy about all of this. "I can't remember the last time I went to the beach, probably a year ago. Can't believe I missed this for so long." I said, while laying down on the right chair. I closed my eyes, and just relaxed to this sound of pure water and wind combining.

"A year?! A full year without this free therapy? You're so strong. I could never" she commented, and as soon as I opened my mouth to answer her, I felt a shadow on my face, drops of water on my face.

I opened my eyes to see what, well — who it was, and of course that was Harry.

"Nooooo!! " I whined, chuckling. He laughed and placed his wet hands on my face, bending down to place a peck on my lips.

"Hmm, I missed you." He said, now laying down next to me in this this narrow lounge chair. There wasn't enough place for two people, and we could fall off it and into the sand in a like, two seconds, but of course he ignored it and cuddled me by the side anyways. I was laying on my side at the left, he was laying on the right. We were face to face, but he then nuzzled his face into my neck, closing his arms around me.

"I missed you too. Who won the game?" I asked, as I was so distracted talking to my Sophi, and didn't notice who won eventually. "I don't know, I just quit in the middle. Need your cuddle." He pecked a spot in my neck below my chin.

"Aww baby. I love it when you come over to me because you need a cuddle." Placing a hand on his head, and the other around his waist, I dragged him carefully even closer to me. If that was possible. I kissed his hair, and began playing with his beautiful cute curls.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2022 ⏰

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