4 - Confessing The Truth

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My best friend, Marnie, the boys and I were at our way to the their apartment. Marnie and I were living together since we have to go to college. We arrived, and at the second Liam closed the door after we all got in of course, Niall screamed with a grin on his face, "Let's watch a movie!". Louis went to the kitchen and took Liam, Niall, Zayn and Marnie with him.

Harry and I came to the kitchen, but they kicked us away and won't let us in, so we both stayed in the living room, none of us knowing what just happened and why. Something that only Marnie and Niall knew, is that I liked Harry a bit. Well... a lot.

"That was weird... well, wanna help me pick the movie?" Harry said after we were in silence for at least 10 seconds, in the middle of the living room.

"Yeah sure" I said, and we both walked to the computer that was laying on the little coffee table, next to the sofas, front of the TV. We sat down on the two-person sofa as Harry grabbed the computer to into his lap.

"Hmm.. what about this one?" I suggested. I didn't even know the movie at all, but I pointed on it because sitting so close to Harry had me blushing too much, and I just wanted the rest of the people in the kitchen to come so this wouldn't be awkward.

"Sure, it loo- Oh! How about this one?" Harry pointed on the screen, with a grin on his face, like a little kid getting a candy. "Do you mind if we watch this one instead? It's my favorite movie!" He looked at me, his face full of excitement. "Of course, what is it about?" I responded. "Don't worry, you'll love it. I know you". he looked at me into my eyes when he said it, and I could feel the butterflies in my stomach flying all around.

We stayed like this for something about half a minute, without doing anything else. "Y/N.. I have to tell you something-" before Harry could finish his sentence, the boys and Marnie came back with food. While Liam and Louis were placing it on the table, Niall starting to eat and Zayn sitting on the other sofa, I got up, walked to Marnie and took her to the side.

"What the hell were you thinking leaving me alone with Harry? Are you crazy? I could have-" Marnie interrupted my words and started. "Shh.. relax! I saw you from the window, you too looked so cute together!". She smiled and I sighed. "It's the last time you do this to me, I'm serious. I could have died there and you would do nothing but waiting for Harry to relive me".

"Y/N? Marnie? We're waiting for you!" Louis took some popcorn while talking. "Relax and go sit next to your future husband" Marnie said and I wanted to tell her to shut up but it I couldn't since she took my arm and leaded me to the sofa.

I sat next to Harry, like before, and Marnie was the sofa next to us, so we were next to each other as well.

The movie started, and we began to eat. During the movie Niall got up and grabbed some more food, Liam and Louis threw popcorn on each other and Harry and I got even closer, no idea how.

We made it up to the part of a boy confessing to a girl how he felt about her. He told her he liked her, and she did the same. after that the kissed and turned out that was the end of the movie.

I looked over Marnie and she made me a sign with her eyes to look over Harry, and when I looked at him I noticed him looking away from me, taking a deep breath.

"That was a good movie" Niall said, "yeah I liked it. I see why it's your favorite Harry" Liam added and the rest nodded their head.

"Y/N?" I turned my head to find Harry looking at me, not turning around his head this time. "Yeah?" I asked, trying not to blush. "I wanted to tell you this before the movie, well a long time ago actually" Harry continued. I smiled and nodded at him, not wanting to interrupt his talking.

He took a deep breath, getting up from the sofa and took my hands in his. We both were standing now, everyone else quit as he started to say: "I really like you, for so long now. I was afraid to tell you how I feel because I was afraid it would ruin our friendship". He looked into my eyes, while saying it. His green orbs were shining, and i could feel myself exploding inside. The butterflies in my stomach were everywhere, and I knew I was red. Very red.

I didn't realize how much I was just staring into his eyes, until he said my name. "Y/N?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm sorry. I didn't realize how long I was like this". I said fast and almost unable to create a normal sentence. "So, what do you say?" He asked me, before The boys and Marnie started to scream and lose it. I looked at his hands holding mine, looked up at him again, smiled and confessed: "I really like you too Harry". And in that second, he let off my hands, put on on my lower back, and one capped my cheek and kissed me. I couldn't believe what was happening, I wanted to pause everything and ask Marnie to pinch me to be sure I wasn't dreaming the best dream I ever had, but I didn't. And I'm so grateful I didn't.

I saw everyone screaming and hugging each other when Harry and I pulled away. We both smiled at each other and we hugged. It was the best feeling I ever lived, and oh god, I wanted this moment to last forever.

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