9 - Are soulmates real?

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*Y/N's POV*

It was Saturday, Harry and I were alone in my house watching my favorite movie 'Mean Girls'. We were on the sofa and Harry pulled me closer to him, which means we were cuddling now.

The movie ended and Harry asked me if I'm hungry. I replied to him with a "yes", so he went to make us dinner. Half an out passed by and the smell started to fill the house. By the smell I knew he was making Fettuccine, my favorite pasta.

While he was stirring the onions with the rest of the vegetables I came behind him and wrapped my arms around him. He turned back and kissed me. "So, how's the Fettuccine going so far?" I asked Harry.

"It's almost done". He said to me with a smile.
When the food was ready, I set the table and helped him with placing the food on it. Harry took our plates and put some pasta in it. Then we started to eat.

"It's so good!" I said excited while eating my piece of food. "Mhm, you like it?" Harry looked at me. "I love it" I replied with a huge smile and took another full fork of Fettuccine.

After 15 minutes, we both done eating and Harry took the plates to the sink and sat beside me. I was lost in thoughts, until he called my name. "Yes?" I looked at him.

"Why are you thinking about?" Harry said with a wondering face. "Do you believe in soulmates?" I asked and sighed. "If I believe in soulmates?" He repeated my question. "Well, I was really young before my parents divorced, but when they did I remember questioning myself the exact same question." He started talking and I looked at him. "I was angry and sad that time so I thought it was the biggest dumb thing to believe in. But well, when my mom started to date Robin, I saw them so happy and I immediately changed my answer to yes, soulmates are real."

I smiled and he continued; "but that's not the end. When I began to date all these famous girls, that almost all of them management told me to 'date', I again thought if soulmates are real. I still thought they were, but I had so many moments just thinking. what if I don't have a soulmate or what if I won't find her? everyday I started to rethink my answer again. Well, until, I saw you for the first time." Harry said and looked into my eyes with a smile on his face. I smiled wider. "When I saw you, Y/N, I knew I answered my question forever. and the answer was yes. Soulmates are real." Immediately I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. we pulled away and I said; "I love you. I love you so much Harry". "I love you so much too, my beautiful soulmate". He said and we kissed once again before he picked me up and walked to my bedroom closing the door.

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