11 - Cheater?

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Harry's POV

"No! Let me go!" Y/N shouts, trying to back away from me. I'm hugging her right, not letting go.
"Shh, baby, calm down." I try to tranquillize her.

"Don't call me baby again." She looks at me for a second with an angry face. I sigh and massage her head, hoping she'll let me explain. After a few more seconds of her trying to back off me, she stopped.

"You're a piece of shit. I hate you! How could you do this to me?" She says, angrily. "We've been together for a year and half. I can't believe you, Harry." She starts crying, and I can't help but laugh a bit.

She looks at me like I'm crazy, like I'm the one that did something wrong. but she doesn't realize she's the one that's wrong.

"Oh you think this is f-funny, right?" Tears rolling down her face. "Yeah, I do actually." I respond,
Hoping she'll remember. But it looks like she doesn't remember at all.

"So you cheat on me with that black hair chic and laugh? Who the fuck do you think you are?" She's now looking up at me, completely heart broken.

"Angel, stop crying baby. I've already told you. Yesterday night our new neighbor came, the black hair chic. Just to ask for some salt she needed. Later that day, we went to sleep, and you dreamed I cheated on you. Oh god, it's even hard for me to say that last sentence" I explain to her, while wiping her tears out of her face. I can't see her cry like this, it breaks my heart into million pieces.

She stops crying and just looks at me, with a shocked, confused and regret face. I take my other hand that's not on her head, but on her hip instead, and put it on her cheek. I wipe her tears with both of my hands now, and she gulps.

"W-what?" She says, her face all full of guilt now.
"You, the love of my life, had just a dream about something that did not happen, and will never happen. I love you so much bubba, Please remember that." I smile at her, stroking her cheeks.

"I... I have no words— I am so so sorry" she hugs me, beginning to cry again. "I'm such a monster. I shouldn't have said those awful things to you without hearing you first. Please forgive me. But don't feel pressured, I'll I understand if you won't—"

"Y/N, baby, everything's fine. Don't worry. Wanna watch a movie?" Maybe a movie will make her feel better.

She looks up at me, "forgive me first?"

"Of course I forgive you baby. I love you" I answer.

She's now smiling, "I love you too, so much. I'll make the popcorn."


Heyy sorry for not updating for so long. Hope you enjoyed!
Also sorry for this being so short, I imagined that better.
Have a good day everyone! x

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