6 - New Neighbors

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*Y/N's POV*

"Ugh, I still have to finish my math homework mom," I told my mom from my bedroom when she told me the food is on the table. "Give me 5 minutes".

Half an hour past by and I finally completed all of my homework. I've been working for 2 hours without any stopping. I left my bedroom and went downstairs to the dining room, to find my dad eating alone. Looks like my mom and brother already finished their food.

I sat down and started to eat. I done and exactly when I'm going to put my plate in the sink, the doorbell rings. "Oh god, it's 9 p.m., who the hell can it be?" I think to myself. I go to the door, looking from the little window we have next to it, finding a curly boy, with green eyes waiting for someone to open the door.

I fix my hair a bit before unlocking the door and opening it. "Hello?" I ask the boy. He was wearing black skinny jeans, a white t-shirt and a red coat, since it was cold outside. I can't lie but say he was looked gorgeous. "Hey, Uhmm.. I'm new here, my family and I just arrived a couple hours ago. I'm sorry for coming this hour, I just wanted to say hello to my new neighbors." He said with a smile. A really cute smile.

"Oh, Welcome! I'm Y/N," I smiled at him. "And you?" "That's a beautiful name, Y/N. I'm Harry" he smiled at me back. "Do you want to come in?" I look at him, not taking my eyes off him. "No thanks, I need to go back to help my mom and my sister with the boxes. But do you want to show me around tomorrow?" Harry asked.

"Sure, I would love to. Well, have a good night Harry" I replied to him. "Thank you! Good night
Y/N." He smiled at me once again, waved for a goodbye and turned around to go. And with that, I knew he was someone special. I could feel my cheeks heat up just at the thought of him. I closed the door, trying to contain myself from jumping all over the house, and began to walk upstairs to my room when my mom asked me who that was. I told her there's some new neighbors the wanted to say hello. She nodded and I went to my bed, almost not able to sleep. Instead, I just thought of him, the curly boy that just with his face can make my stomach fill up with so many butterflies. I can't wait to see him again.

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