Rui's Mom

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So I woke up in my bed, like normal. But one thing was missing. Rui. I opened my phone and I noticed he had texted me.

Rui: My mom said she was coming over so I headed downstairs to clean for a bit. I love you, babe.

Rui, my heart. I get my ass out of bed and head downstairs and see Rui, doing exactly what he said in his text. I gave him a smile and walked over to him. He looked at me and waved. I kissed him.

"Good morning, babe."

"Mornin', Tsukasa-kun. You look stunning this morning."

"Although, I just got out of bed?"

"Yep," Rui kisses me again. It's just us right now so everything feels like it goes in slow motion. I'm so happy right now. Rui adds a bit more pressure to my lips. I opened my mouth a bit. Rui, seizes the opportunity, dropping whatever he was holding. His mind, I could feel, was on me. And only me.

"Mmm," I purred. My mind was going blank. I couldn't think about anything. Just Rui. Then he breaks.

"Hah, hah," We pant in unison. Not realizing the new mess that we had created. I turned my head to pick up the stuff Rui dropped.

"Oh my goodness, honey! I'm so sorry!"

"Babe, it's okay. Where do you want me to put these?"

"Over there."

"Thanks," I gave him a soft kiss while passing by. I put the things where he wanted them. When I turned around, I noticed Rui was sitting on the couch waiting for me. He noticed me and his hand started hitting the couch rapidly.


"Here," I sat down next to Rui.

He kissed me again.

"Mmm," I purred. Letting him take his time, I grabbed his hand. But then I heard a loud knock.

"Oh, Rui!"

Rui broke the kiss. He opens the door to find a woman, who I suppose is his mom.

"Hey, mom," Rui says with a soft smile. She really does look like him.

"Is that strawberry blonde man your live-in boyfriend?" I pointed at myself like a dumbass.

"Yeah, are you dating my son?" She approaches me with a friendly smile. I suppose I can trust her.

"Um, yes, I am. I am dating your son. My name is Tenma Tsukasa. Its a pleasure to meet you," I bow my head down at her.

"No, need to be so formal with me! I'm not at work! Besides, Tsukasa-kun, Rui-kun, I have presents for both of you," She hands us two red envelopes. What of which I presume are full of money.

I opened the envelope to see six thousand yen inside. I really wanted to cry at that point. Rui had noticed me and put my head on his shoulder.

"Thank you, Kamishiro-san."

"Oh, it's nothing my dear," she rubs my head. She heads to the kitchen to sit down. Rui and I do the same.

"Hey mom, want a ginger ale?"

"Yes, please!"

We all sit down and she starts chatting, she's quite the chatty lady...

"All of this in less than a month!? Rui-kun, you've done amazing good."


"Mom, you don't have to praise me. I'm just doing what a lover should," Doing what a lover should? Rui! That's really sweet of you...I love you. I sat there with the biggest grin on my face.

"It leaves your boyfriend speechless," She continues on, "See?" She points at my and Rui looks over in my general direction.

"He's smiling, such a cute smile he's got."

"I'm glad that you think that," I smiled at Kamishiro-San.

"Anyway, let me order you boys lunch."

"Wait, really!?"

"Yeah, Tsukasa-kun, she always does this."

"Where are the menus?"

"In the draw you had always kept them in. I have no sense of object permanence so I keep them in there. Not touching them 'til it's time to order something."

"Oh, so that's why you put all your tools in the same place."

"That's correct my dear!" Rui, no need to praise me...I just put two and two together heheh.

"So, would you boys like some pizza?"

We both nodded our heads rapidly in unison.

"Rui, want the one filled to the brim with meat?"

"Absolutely. No veggies."

"I know that, babe. I know you like a charcuterie board on a pizza," Rui, at my previous statement, roared in laughter.


"Well, boys, did you have a good day? I know I'm kind of annoying," Kamishiro-San put her hand on her face eyeing both of us bashfully.

"I had a good day, Mom. I got to spend the day with my two favorite people in the world. I wouldn't trade days like this for anything," Rui pulled his mom and I into a tight hug. I want to hold back my tears. But alas, they're coming. I bury myself into Rui's chest not letting go. Not even for a moment.

"Tsukasa-kun? Are you okay?" Rui's mom had asked.

"Yeah, I'm really happy right now. Thank you for everything."

"Of course. But I now have to leave again...Today was fun. I hope we can all get together again. Spend it like a found family," Rui and I only nodded in response. Rui now with his other arm free, proceeds to pull me down atop him.

"Found family, huh? Is that what she thinks we are?"

"Well, Tsukasa-kun, maybe. Saki had supported you when you talked to her, no?"

"Yeah, but my mom hates me now...I'm happy that your mom treats me like I was her own."

"Fufufu~, Tsukasa-kun, I'm pretty sure you answered your own question," I could feel Rui's hand going up and down my back.

"Rui, never stop cuddling me. I feel like I've seen heaven."

"Oh, have you now? Can you show me what "Heaven" looks like?" I happily oblige kissing his lips. Rui, I love you so much. So much now that I could marry you.

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