To Break

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This morning, I awoke to see Rui crying into me. I lift myself up a bit. He looks helpless. I wonder what's going on in his head. I'm getting kinda worried right now. I ask him,

"Hey sweetie, what's wrong?"

He just buries his head into my shoulders. I check the time. It's really early. I have time to deal with this. I get up from his embrace and stand. I motion him towards me. Cupping his cheeks, I kiss him. Hah, I can still feel his tears coming down.

"Rui, are there words you can use to describe how your feeling right now?"

Rui shakes his head. I put him in an even tighter embrace. I allow him to collapse a top of me. It feels bittersweet. "It's okay, Rui. I'll stay by your side," I whisper. Rui hugs me even tighter.

"Thank you, Tsukasa-Kun. I just feel overwhelmed with what has happened over the past week. It's too much to bear."

"I didn't mean to put everything on you so fast. And for that, I apologize."

"No need to apologize. Both of us had to have growing up hit us like a ton of bricks."

"Rui, you hungry?"


We head down to the kitchen. I found some leftover rice and wanted to make fried rice. Egg fried rice sounds really tasty right now. Rui plops into his seat with a broken smile,

"Fried rice, hun?"

"Mmm," Rui hums in indifference. He doesn't seem to care. I prep the eggs first and then put them on a plate on the side. Then, I toss some scallions in to a small amount of oil. Rui's broken smile turns to a soft smile. The smell of home cooked food must be comforting.

"I'm lucky it's the weekend now. Yesterday was amazing."

"I know right? I didn't think Nene was capable of doing something like that." I toss in the leftover rice and the eggs.

"You're a good cook, Tsukasa-Kun."

"You haven't even eaten it yet, Rui."

"I know. I just know."

I finish cooking and serve Rui and then myself. "Thank you for the food," we said in unison. Why am I thanking myself though...? It must've been engrained into me.

"You said 'thank you' to yourself, heh," Rui smirks.

"You seem to be in a better mood, wanna talk about what's bringing ya down?"

Rui stuffs his face but he's in deep thought. As I await for his answer, I hear a knock on the door. Who could it possibly be? I walk over to the door. To my surprise, Emu and Nene had both showed up.

"Rui-Kun! Tsukasa-Kun! Hihi!!!" Emu waves rapidly while Nene gives a short wave and a smile. he not okay again?

"Rui," I whisper, "How are you feeling?"

"Unlike myself," he replied.

"Rui, you're a terrible whisperer. You do seem unlike yourself, whatever may be bothering you, it could be none of my business. Unless, you want me to get involved," Nene said.

"Rui-Kun! Don't be sad! We have tons of time to play!"

"Emu-Kun...I don't want to play right now. I'm not in a good mood..."

"But...playing makes everyone happy! Play with me!"

"Emu, he said 'No'. He doesn't want to play right now." I said.

"Tsukasa-kun, this way..."

"Gotcha, babe. Where to?"

"Couch. Now."

"No need to be so demanding, Rui." I kiss him on the lips completely forgetting that Emu and Nene are here.

"Rui-kun! Rui-kun! Let's play a game! Maybe something relaxing! What's the most relaxing game you have?"

Rui moves his thumb over the joystick upon his controller. He asks me to sit in his lap which is a request I happily oblige to. He opens up a game I was vaguely familiar with. 'Stardew Valley'. Saki has talked about this game in the past. And how much she adores it.

"So, Emu-kun," Emu looks at my boyfriend with intensity. "I'm gonna create a co-op save file. Tsukasa-kun, Nene, feel free to grab a controller."

Nene, without hesitation, goes straight for it. I decided I just wanted to watch Rui play with the ladies.

"Get up, Tsukasa-kun."

"Rui? 'Sup?" I get up and he hands me a controller.


All four of us were playing for hours. Laughing, crying when one of us died in the mines, I ended up catching the legend. I sent the image to Saki and she was amazed. But it was time for Emu and Nene to go home.

"I had lots and lots of fun today! We should all play again sometime!"

"Rui, feel better. Tsukasa, and by extent you Rui, you two look like adults now. I hope the distance between all of us doesn't move to far."

I wonder what Nene could mean by that. Do I look like an adult? I'm kinda short compared to the guys I hang around. Rui hugs me from behind. He buries his head into my shoulder.

"Sorry for making you take care of me today...I should be taking care of you..."

"Rui," I turn around and face him. I wrap my arms around him. "It's my turn today and I don't mind. Just don't over do it."

"Tsukasa-kun? I'm melting."

"Are ya now? Your heart's melting?"

"Yeah. I love this. Don't let go. Please."

I had no plans of letting him go anytime soon. I'm beginning to melt too. Rui...don't leave my arms. It feels so amazing.


"Tsukasa-Kun, face me." Lying in bed with him now, I oblige. He looks even cuter up close. He wrapped his arms around me and I did the same. Soft purrs escaped both of us. I love this man to death. Nothing is gonna change that.

"Rui, kiss me."

Rui obliges my only request of him. It starts out soft. Giving each other little pecks. But then, I think I hit a sweet spot for Rui. He opens his mouth and allows me in. Usually, during moments like this, my heart would be racing. And yet it's relaxed right now.

We kept making out to our hearts content. I even received and gave neck kisses from and to Rui. My heart isn't ready to go all the way with him but, this, this is good enough.

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