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I woke up once again with my head laying on Rui's chest. He looks really peaceful. I remembered a note. As a random thought. So I search up Amia on Instagram and began to talk to them.

Tsukahoshi: Hey, I noticed a note in my locker from you, signed Mizuki. And you left your handle in the post script. Is this you?

Amia: Hell yeah it is! I'm forming an LGBT club at our school!

Tsukahoshi: Wait really?

Suddenly, Rui woke up. Heh, he looks so cute when he's sleeping. I can't help myself. I pull myself closer to his face and whispered,

"Good morning."

"Good morning, babe," He kisses my lips and holds on. We repeated this action of soft kisses for quite awhile. Letting ourselves get absorbed in our affections.

"Mmm," I let go and hug him tight. It's one of the best feelings in the world I've discovered. I could hear his purrs too. Rui was truly happy. I don't even think the happiness we both felt in that moment could be explained.

"We should get ready for school though. They'll get mad if we call in twice," Rui pointed out. I slowly got up from Rui's chest to check the time. It was 6:30. We have two hours...but two hours fly by while cuddling so I have to leave Rui's embrace.

"Hey, honey, Mizuki had sent me a message about an LGBT club."

"I reached out to them after a note was left in my locker. They had said the same thing to me. It seems nice. A place where I can have more support. The more the better, I think."

"I think you need it, hun," Rui kissed my lips one more time. After that we decided to walk rather than bike to school.

"We got plenty of time, babe."

"That's cool. We can basically take it all in. Hey, hold my hand, Rui."

I reach my hand out and Rui puts mine in his. I felt at peace. Being in a's the best. Rui kept glancing over to me, each time his smile got bigger. My heart can barely take it.

"Rui, I love you. Thank you for everything you've done for me so far. If it wasn't for you, I'd probably be dead," Rui's eyes filled with tears, I hope he's crying of happiness...

"You're welcome, my love. I'm so glad that I met you."

"Me too."


It was homeroom now and a special person decided to pay Rui and I a visit.

"Ah, Mizuki-kun, you actually bothered to come today! What brings you here?" Rui said.

"I wanted to talk to you both actually!"

"It's about the LGBT club right?" I said.

"Damn straight! I also want you guys to get Kusanagi-San and her girlfriend on board too!"

"Nene's girlfriend goes to a different school, Mizuki-kun..."

"Oh what a pity. Well, if we meet outside of school, she can come too!"

As the bell had rang, Mizuki headed to their first class.


"Mmm," I begin to whine. I have to tell the administration why I had to suddenly move out...I'm dreading it...

"Want me to come with you, love?"

I nod my head.


"Tenma Tsukasa-San, you're living with Kamishiro-San now? Are things not okay at home?" The teacher questions, "I don't mean to pry."

"That place can't be my home anymore." 'I don't mean to pry' my ass. "Let's just say, for reasons beyond my control, I'm unwelcome there."

"I can accept that. You can go on your way."

I walk out to the hall and see Rui. I run to his arms. Loosing all control, I embrace him. All eyes were turned on me. Instead of laughter and ewws, I hear a roar. A roar of applause. A crowd led by no other than Nene.

"Congrats on being a couple!" One person said.

Another said, "Me and my friends were taking bets, she owes me a Venti!"

"So it looks like everyone knew...and they're actually supportive!" Tears of happiness begin to rush down my face.

Rui holds me tight as we head to our next period.

Overtime, people kept congratulating us on our new formed relationship.


"Wanna go on another date?"

"Where to?"

"The cat café of course, Tsukasa-Kun."

I nod my head aggressively.

The Cat Café

When we entered, I saw Mizuki talking to another girl. When I looked down, the same cat that greeted us, had a pep in their step. They seemed to be a lot happier too. While I wasn't looking, apparently Mizuki had motioned us over. I assume to help them.

"So, Mizuki-Chan, you see, our school already has a GSA. Emu is apart of it. I'd like if our two GSA's could work together in collaboration to get gay marriage legal all across Japan."

"Hey, Tsukasa-Kun, wanna help them out?"

I nod in agreement. Soon I learned the girl's name was Kohane. She said to me that she preferred being called by her first name. And who would I be if I didn't respect that?


"Hah! Today was a really good day!" I plopped onto the bed. Who knew being so happy costed this much energy. Rui laid down next to me.

"It's not even night yet! You look exhausted. Wanna order out?"

"Mmm, let's get some take-out. From where, I'm unsure."

"Mmm, how about from here?"

"Pizza sounds really tasty, dear. Y'know, I feel like I've known you for years at this point. Even though, it's been less than six months since we first met."

"Fufufu~, you really have a way with words, Tsukasa-Kun. What do you think that means as of right now?"

"I wanna spend the rest of my life by your side. I know I'm rushing into things but, I can't help it. We can let our relationship grow while we're in High School. And we can hope we can get married sometime in our life time."

"Mmm, that sounds good," Rui kissed my lips. I allow him to enter, leaving a tiny bit of my mouth open. This kiss felt different to. It wasn't fast but, it wasn't slow either. It's like time had stopped around us both. As the kiss grew longer, deeper, and passionate, the doorbell rang.

"Pizza!" We shouted. We ran down the stairs to grab our food.

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