A Bright Future Lies Ahead of Us Part 4

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It was a bright morning. Rui and I had to wake up early to get wedding preparations ready. That's because today was the day of the ceremony. I woke up a bit before Rui so I placed my head under his chin and snuggled up in his body. It's nice having a fiancé, no, husband who is bigger than you. People had said that we had been married for years.

Honestly, I'm not to sure about that. But he's looking amazing right now. The way he smiles, the way he closes his eyes to a cheerful expression while sleeping. I can confidently say that this is my husband. I kiss his lips and he wakes up. His eyes half closed yet pupils wide. Giving me the sweetest look before attempting to devour me.

"Rui! Rui! I am not food! Cake later!"

"Cake? HOLY SHIT. We gotta get ready!"

"Babe, it's six in the mornin'. We'll be fine. C'mere," I pull one of my arms towards the ceiling and Rui comes back down.

"Mm, I wanna stay like this for ever," he pulls my head towards his. Letting our foreheads unite. I kiss him one more time and force myself to get up. Rui lays upon my left leg.

"Rui," I start rubbing his head, "We have to get ready. Today is the big day."

"I don't wanna move," He retaliates.

"I will carry you out of bed myself if you don't get up," Rui shoots himself up and out of bed.

"Babe, I'm heavy. Don't threaten to do that."

"You're not too heavy. Not for me anyway," I kiss his lips again. We both get up and head to the closet each taking out our tuxedos. Neither of us really wanted to wear a dress. Rui had tried some on while we were out shopping for wedding clothes but, he kept tripping over the trains of the dresses. It was hilarious to watch.

We put on our tuxedos and head towards the car. However, when we reached outside, there was a limo. A fucking limo! Who could have bought this for us? The driver came out and opened the door. Inside was Rui's mom!?

"Mama!?" Rui shouts. His mom excitedly pats on the seat egging us on. We enter the limo and have a lot of fun inside. There was a mini fridge full of drinks. Both alcoholic and nonalcoholic. Rui and I both go after the tea that was in there. We don't wanna be drunk right now. I want to remember every moment.

"So how are you boys feeling?" Rui's mom asked. I just put on my biggest smile because words could not convey the excitement that I was feeling. Rui pulled me close to him and kissed my head.

"Well, your actions do speak louder than words." She offered us some alcohol but we declined.


When we had arrived, Emu and Nene had popped out of their car too. Both of them in extremely pretty dresses. Are the custom? Then out came my maid of honor, Saki. She wore a beautiful pink dress that ended at her ankles. Next to arrive was Ken-San. He had our cake plus my friend, Toya. It looks like he brought his friends too. Kohane, Akito, and An. Mizuki had also arrived. She somehow got her friends to leave their houses. A girl with long white hair approached us both.

"Mizuki told me about you both. I would like to say congratulations," She walked away.

"Who was she?" Rui asked.

"I think I sang a song with her once. I don't know her all too well but I think Honami is her house keeper."

"That's a nice gig to have."


We entered the building hand and hand walking each other down the aisle. Saki and Nene threw out flower petals behind us. Emu standing at the alter excitedly patted at the stand egging us on. Nene and Saki could barely hold in their laughter.

"Rui-Kun, Tsukasa-Kun, do you have your vows ready?"

Both of us pull cards with our vows written upon them.

"I guess it would be kinda hard to hold some vows in some dresses."

"I can just store them in the breasts."

"But you have nothing there."

"Nothing that a little padding won't fix," I try to hold in my laughter.

"While Tsukasa-kun collects himself, would you like to read your vows?"

Rui takes my hand.

"Babe, look at me. I want you to look into my eyes. Because they're about to become ten times wide. I want you to know that even when we're apart I still am thinking of you. When we're together, all I can feel is happiness. Until death do us part, Tsukasa-Kun," My heart pounds and Rui takes my hand.

"Rui, I love you from the bottom of my heart. Through sickness, death and, heart ache. I promise to remain by your side,"

"Ok! Tsukasa-kun! Do you accept Rui-Kun as your husband?"

"I do," I clutch his hand even tighter.

"Emu-kun, you don't have to ask. The answer is 'I do'."

"I now pronounce you two married!"

Rui pulls me into a kiss before Emu could say anything. We really had a fun ceremony. Somehow despite all the alcohol Rui's mom drank, she seemed sober. Back in the limo, Rui puts his arm around me.

"Mm? Baby?"


"Penny for your thoughts."

"I'm just so happy right now."

"Me too, the vows you wrote we're super sweet."

"Your reaction was the purest."

I pull out another bottle of tea. I offer Rui some but he declines. I rest my head on his shoulder and I end up falling asleep. Next thing I know, I awake to Rui kissing my head in the bed we shared. I slightly open my eyes,

"I should probably get out of this suit," I begin to take my suit off. Rui looks red in the face. I'm pretty sure he wants something. I finish putting on my pajamas for the night. I get back in the bed and waste no time giving Rui the endless affection he gave me over all these years. Kamishiro Rui, I am so glad to have met you.

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