A Bright Future Lies Ahead of Us 2

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So Rui and I were continuing our plans for a wedding. But there was a problem. Who was gonna make the cake? We kept debating and debating. Rui was worried over a cake...I cup his cheek and say,

"Wanna go ask Honami? Saki said she was a pro baker now," he nods so I pick up the phone and call the bakery.

"Hello? Welcome to Mochizuki Confections, how may I help you today?"

"Yes, I'd like to request a wedding cake."

"I'm sorry but wedding cakes aren't available at the moment. Mochizuki is booked making other cakes. I wish you good luck," I got hung up on.

"Hah," I sigh, "Do you know anyone else we could ask?" Rui wraps his arms around me.

"I'm not too sure," He begins to sway with me still in his arms. I feel like yelling but I think Rui is trying to prevent that. He pulls my face towards his and he kisses me. He really is trying to prevent me from releasing my anger. I let the kiss linger on.

"Mm," He lets go. I grab his hand and lead him to the couch. I turn on the tv. It was just a variety show that Emu and Nene were on. We decided to watch and support our friends.

"Nene-Chan, look at this huge bouquet!"

"Oh, you're right it is huge."

"You know what this bouquet represents?"

"Death!" Nene looked in utter shock realizing that the flowers that she saw meant death. Quite passive aggressive if I do say so myself. Rui gives out a small chuckle.

"Perfect for a funeral, I guess. Or better yet, your worst enemy!"

We laugh at Nene's shocked expression.

"Who are they for?"

"Not anyone in particular, why do you have someone you'd wanna give these to?"

Nene hesitates but shakes her head. The show heads to commercial and we see a commercial for weekend garage and it's wedding themed...?

"Ohohoho, as a father, I'm sad to let my daughter go but I could help but ask to take the honor of making her a cake—," The owner was cut off.

"And I had gracefully accepted," Shirashi-San puts on a smug look while Kohane stands in the background.

"You literally begged your dad until he gave in."

"No, I didn't," I don't think I had heard such an obvious lie in my life before. The commercial continues on,

"So when making my daughter's cake, I thought, this might make a bit of extra money. So we're selling wedding cakes at the Weekend Garage! That way both of these brides can have the wedding to end all weddings!"

"Dad, you went a bit too far."


"Honey," Rui buries into my shoulder. Let's ask them.

"Might be a good idea, babe," I kiss Rui. "I'll call them," With Rui still behind me, holding me tight, it felt good. I pull out my phone and call the café.

"Hello, I'm Ken-San of the Weekend Garage, how can I help you?"

"Yeah, I'd like to ask about wedding cakes, you guys aren't all booked, no?"

"Oh no, the advert I assume you saw only first aired yesterday. Would you like to come and look at pricing?"

"Yes, that sounds good, thank you," I hang up and face Rui. He's smiling, such a cute smile. Nothing that I wouldn't fall for. I kiss him.

"Mm," Is all I hear. I let go to tell him the good news.

"We can go to Weekend Garage to take a look at prices, babe."

"Oya? That's great news to hear Tsukasa-kun. Now, let's go!"

"Eh!? Right now!?"

"Yep, right now!"


"Hi, Hi!" A young woman called out to us, "What can I do for you? My name is Shiraishi!"

"Um, we're looking for Ken-San. He told us to come look at pricing for wedding cakes."

"Dad!! The couple that called earlier is here to see you!"

"He's your dad, Shiraishi-kun?" Rui asks obliviously.

"Rui, did you even pay attention to the advert?"

"Not really. I was to busy focusing on you."

"Rui, oh my god. Stop being to cute for me to handle. You'll kill me in no time."

"My dad's a bit busy talking on the phone right now, feel free to sit and wait."

We took our seats at a nearby table. Rui sat across from me looking a bit tired.

"Did you wake up a bit too early?"

"I want to eat something."

"Hello," we heard a soft voice echo behind me. It was another waitress, "Would you like to eat something, Mister?"

"Yes, please. Anything sweet will do."

"Mm, how about some chocolate cake? You seem to be a person who likes chocolate cake."

"Thank you. Also, please bring it out as fast as you can."

The waitress walks away. I see Rui's phone from the corner of my eye, "It's low, isn't it?" I start to get really worried...a couple of weeks ago he got diagnosed with type 2...we didn't know anything at first but somehow, his mom had it too. It's a genetic thing from what I understand.

"Rui," He picks up his heavy feeling head to look at me.


"Mister! Are you okay!?"

"Rui, the cake is here. You can eat now," He softly smiles and picks up the fork next to him. He starts eating. The waitress leaves in a hurry. Is she going to go get someone? When she returns, I see a concerned Ken-San and waitress.

"You ate some cake, no? You feeling good enough to discuss on wedding cake pricing with your partner?"

"Mm, I feel much better now. The cake is delicious," The waitress gives a sigh of a relief. She takes a bow and leaves.

"So, here are our options," He hands us a price sheet to take a look at. We both took a liking to the vanilla and chocolate cake with chocolate shavings as a top. Now that I think about it, why does chocolate shavings sound like something gross hehehe. We took our leave and I held Rui's hand all the way home. The minute we stepped home, I got a call from Ichika. It's been awhile since I've seen her.


"Yeah, Ichika-Chan? What's up? How have you been?"

"I don't know. I have bad news to bring. Your sister is in the hospital again. It's not looking good either," I could feel the tears rolling down my eyes.

"She's been put on a ventilator to help her breathe but we don't know how much longer this is gonna last. I'll text you with any updates."

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