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It was the day after our date and I woke up uneasy. Like today, I felt like something was going to shake me to my very core. It was pretty early in the morning so I decided to browse Instagram for a bit. Heh, Enanan took a funny selfie.

I scroll down a bit to see a friend of my mom's with an odd picture. Two men under the sunset kissing one another. I took a closer look at the image. The man on the right kinda looks like Rui, the man on the left looks like me. I came to a horrific realization. That's us. That's Rui and I. Tears started rushing down my face. I DM'ed OP.

Tsukahoshi: Please take this image down. I am the man on the left side of the picture. I fear homophobia will come towards me and Rui.

I sent the message and I got a quick response.

OkanoTomo: No.

Tsukahoshi: Why? I didn't consent to that picture being taken of me.

OkanoTomo: There's no point. Once it's on the internet it stays there. There's no point. Even if taking it down would put you at ease, there is no point.

I shut off my phone, heart feeling heavy. I went downstairs to see my mom looking on her phone. I quickly swallowed my pride and sat down at the table. Saki was making breakfast today.

Mom looked rather serious today. I wonder what's going on...

//homophobia starts now

"Tenma Tsukasa."

"Yes, mom?"

"What is this!? Why are you kissing a man!?"

"Because, I love him!"

"Love him!? It's unnatural! You're mentally ill!"

"Loving men is not a mental illness!"

"Get out of my sight!"

"Fine! I'll just go to school a bit earlier today."

"I expect you to come back, pack your things then, leave."

"Onii-Chan, I've prepped you you're lunch!"

"Thanks, Saki-Chan."

It was still dark outside, the school gates probably won't be open. I sigh and look at the sky, at least it isn't raining. Through all my thoughts while I walked, taking my sweet time, I saw Rui out on his porch. He motioned me to come sit. So I did. He buried his head into my shoulder.

"Mmm," He hands me his phone. He found the image...I rub my hand over his head.

"Tell me, how are you feeling?" Rui said while giving me a peck on the cheek.

"I'm not well. My mom, after school, I gotta pack my shit and get the hell out of there."

"Mmm," another soft purr escaped Rui's lips. I was warmed. But I knew the worst was yet to come.

"We should start heading to school."


A person I had never heard or seen before asked me to text them about the picture. It was attached to the goddamn note. On the note was a rather sweet message.

"Hi! I'm Mizuki! I saw this photo and it's really sweet! I hope you aren't experiencing any trouble cause of it, you know! I can help with all sorts of LGBT stuff. Just contact me, info below! -Mizuki

Ps. I'm Amia on insta."

I quickly put the note in my pocket and head to my first class.


I sat down next to Rui, Nene looking rather solemn.

"Tsukasa, I heard what happened. Are you doing okay?"

"I'm doing my best," I responded with a heavy heart. "I had been uneasy all day to tell you the truth."

"That's rough. Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Mmm, Just make Tsukasa-Kun feel at peace for now?"

"I would like that," Rui suddenly grabbed my hand. I blushed tomato red. Nene giggled. We all sat and ate our lunch chatting. Nene had made some dumplings for us. They were really fucking good.


I felt sick, not in a physical way but a mental way. Rui, offered to walk me back to my house. Which was an offer I graciously accepted. I wanted to discuss something with him anyway. I start by,

"Rui, I'd like to take up on your offer to stay with you. My mom found the picture and didn't accept me," Rui looks horrified. I feel awful. It has to be said, "By the end of tonight, I'll be homeless. Please take me in!" I hold his hand, tears rushing down my face.

He pulls me into his embrace. It's warm here. I don't want to leave it. Rui? Is he crying? He looked at me tearfully. I cupped his cheek, letting him move his head into my hand. It feels like time has truly slowed.

"Of course you can stay with me. Just pack your things. I'll wait for you on the bench by the end of your street."


I began packing tearfully. I have to tell Saki what's going on. Why it's happening. I need to take care of her still...This feels so awful. I can't believe it actually happened to me. I want to cry. I want Rui.

"Onii-Chan! Why are you packing a suitcase?" Starry eyed, she continued, "Is your troupe going on tour!? Mom and I should by all the tickets!" She rambled on and on. How is she this bad at reading the room?

"Speaking of which, you look sad! Why?"

"I was forced out. Mom doesn't want me here. I have to leave."

"She's coming home early! Maybe I can talk her out of it!"

"I doubt you're gonna be able to do that. I have a plan just in case."

"What the hell, why is she treating you like this? You just wanna love your boyfriend. Is that too much to ask for?"

I pondered for a minute.

"Too her, yes."

"Fuck! I don't want you to leave!"

"Saki! I'm not safe here!"

A shocking realization overtook Saki. I feel terrible but, the truth is terrible. Our Mom is a homophobe. I heard the door open. Oh no, she's home. My heart sank, I couldn't even control my tears at this point.

"Please let Onii-Chan stay here! Please Mama!"

"Why should I let him!? He's mentally ill!"

"You're the one who is mentally ill! Pushing your own ideals onto your son!"

"Tenma Tsukasa! Get out of this house! Get out right now!"

I fled. I was truly scared. I think if I stayed, I would have gotten beat. It's a scary thought. I saw Rui exactly where he said he was. He looked at me with a soft smile.

"Ready, love?"

I grab his hand, my body still shaking and nod. He kisses my forehead and leads me to his house. It wasn't too far a walk, thank God for that. Rui opened the door and let me inside. It was littered with colorful decorations and loose robot parts.

"Sorry I couldn't clean, I'm having you move in on short notice. Do you wanna sit?"

I nod and sit on the couch. Rui sits next to me. He wraps his arms around me.

"You up for some kisses?"

"Yes, make them passionate if possible."

Rui gently kissed me at first, than he gradually gained momentum. Speed and passion, it felt even better than those times before. I don't feel like I'm getting used to this feeling but, it feels good and new every time. And that excitement, never gets old.

Hah, hah. That felt wonderful. Eh? He's going for more? Amazing. My heart felt completely at ease. I loved it. Mmm, Rui, please don't ever stop. I love you too much. We made out until nightfall.

"Rui, I'm hungry."

"We should eat something, no?"

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