A Bright New Future Lies Ahead of Us

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It's been a few years since Rui and I had started dating. We've had our ups and downs, arguments, make-ups, but deep down, I love this man to the ends of the Earth. Everyday I wake up next to him is a miracle.

"Good morning, love," Rui softly kisses my lips. We keep sharing soft kisses because over the years, we've learned that sometimes just soft kisses can feel as good as a make out.

"Mmm," I purred. I finally managed to pull myself up from lying down. I couldn't really bother to move any further than that. I have no work today as filming on the drama we had been doing wrapped up.

Rui turned on the TV and pulled me close to him.

"We should just take this day off to ourselves."

"I completely agree," I smiled letting myself sink in to Rui's body, "Right now, there's no other place I'd rather be."

"Breaking news!" The news lady shouts, "Same-Sex marriage is now legal across Japan!"

Rui and I looked at each other. Suddenly, our eyes were glued to the TV.

"As of 9:45 today, same-sex marriage is now legal. The prime minister had this to say."

"To my LGBT brothers, sisters and, siblings, from today onward, you can get married! How amazing is that!?"

"He looks so excited," Rui said.

"Mmm, hey, Rui, this might seem sudden...," Can I even bring myself to say the words I want to him? I'm gonna say it! I open my mouth, nothing comes out.

"Take your time, sweetheart."

"Yes, babe," I get up and kneel, "I may not have a ring, but I want to marry you. So what do you say? Will you take my hand in marriage, babe?"

Rui kisses my hand and moves to the other side of the room, where his earring box was. He pulled out two things, the star earrings I gave him when he graduated and what I assume is a ring box, wait a mother fucking second!

"Honey, stand for me, okay?" Rui holds his hand out, I take it and he pulls me up. I kiss him,

"Mm," He purrs. Now, Rui gets down on one knee. I can't hold my laughter in anymore. I roar with laughter. I can't believe it. He looks stunning...I shut my ass up and hear Rui out,

"Unlike you, I have a ring. I suppose this ring is a question and an answer. So, Tsukasa-kun, what do you say? Will you marry me?"

"Heh, what kind of question is that? Asking after I proposed myself! The audacity! Of course I'll marry you!" Rui put the ring on my left hand, "It looks beautiful," Rui takes my hand and kisses where the ring is.

"I can't help myself anymore!" I pull him into a tight hug. I kiss him again.

"Hey, can we...?" Rui asks. I nodded and he dove straight for it. Feeling every corner of my mouth while I do the same with his. It feels different. It feels more different then the times we had done it before.

I break off for a minute. Both of us panting, I bury my head into Rui's shoulder.

"I'm so happy that I found the man I'm going to spend the rest of my life with," Rui smiled at my statement. He sat down on the bed and motioned for me to come close. He wraps one of his arms around my waist. We waste no time, it was back to kissing.

"Mmm," I hear him purr. I don't want this to ever end. My mind is going crazy. I'm really engaged. I'm going to be married! I don't think this day could get any better. Rui puts a hand on my chest for a bit of support. I break off the kiss.

"Rui?" I called out exhaustedly, "That felt really nice but, I'm hungry," as soon as I said that, Rui's stomach growled. We both laughed and made our way down to the kitchen. I want to douse this man in affection right now. But I am hungry.

"Ah, we shouldn't ignore our hunger signals, no?"

"No, we shouldn't," I giggle and take his hand. We both head down to the kitchen hand in hand. Just to enjoy some breakfast. Rui let's go of my hand and heads to the fridge. He looks around for something but nothing seems to peak his interest.

"Should we go out to eat?" I ask. I await Rui's answer as he scans the fridge.

"Huh? Babe, what did you say?"

"Wanna go out?"

"But aren't we already going out?"

"We're fiancées now, I meant go out as in a restaurant go out."

"Oh, I'm dumb. Rui no think."

I giggle again. I took his hand. We headed outside hand in hand and saw Emu and Nene.

"Tsukasa-kun! Rui-kun! Hi hi! I'm so happy to see you guys!" She rambles on, "By the way! Have you heard? Same-sex couples can get married now!" Rui pulls up my hand and shows them my ring. Nene could only stare in awe. Emu, didn't understand.

"What a nice ring, Tsukasa-kun! It suits you well." All I could do was softly smile. It's all that I felt I could do. Rui pulls me in close intertwining his fingers with mine.

"Wait," Did Emu just now realize...?

"O-M-G! Are you guys gonna get married!? Who proposed!?"

"Fufufu~, we technically both did. We had seen the announcement on the news and Tsukasa-kun suddenly proposed after hearing it," Rui continued, "So I put in my star earrings and gave Tsukasa-kun his ring."

"Waaaa! Wandahoi!"

"Emu, you're still saying that?"

"Of course! Cause all of us together are Wonderland x Showtime!"

"Fufufu~, you're never wrong Emu-kun," Rui said. Emu and Nene had their own business to attend to so we didn't stay there for very long. Rui and I went back to the cat café. Where we had our first date. I ordered a medium coffee with cream and sugar. Rui had ordered a hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows.

A cat came up to me, rubbing itself against my leg.

"Hi buddy, how are you doing? It's been awhile since I've seen you." Now that I think of it I had never gotten the cat's name. What was written on the tag was 未来. Mirai, huh? What a pretty accurate name for this kitty.

"Tsukasa-kun?" The cat plops itself into my lap. I began petting her and she purrs loudly.


"We should probably discuss wedding plans. With how busy we are, days off like this are rare. I wonder how we can do a wedding without paparazzi showi—," I cut him off and kiss him. "Tsukasa-kun! Now is not the time!"

"The drama paid us well. We should have plenty of money to afford a private wedding in a private place."

"Mmm, I guess we'll be fine." I rub Rui's head.

"We'll be fine."

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