A Slow Day

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I woke up in Rui's arms. He was still asleep and so I didn't bother checking the time and buried my head in his chest. A soft purr escaped his lips. He opened his eyes. He looks so handsome right now. I can't believe it. Hehehehe.

"Good Morning, babe."

"Morning," Rui cupped my cheek and kissed me. God, I wanna be like this forever. Just give Rui my eternal affection.

"Hey, dear, why'd you let go?" I pout.

"How are you doing this morning? You feeling up to go to school today?"

"Honestly, no." I answered him. He kissed me again. Adding a little more pressure to my lips. It was kinda comforting. I let my tongue press his lips. He allows me in. I let him explore every corner of my mouth. He also let me do the same. It felt amazing. I made sure there was no space between our two bodies. Suddenly, the kiss broke.

"Baby! Things were just getting good!"

"Do you even wanna go to school today?"

"I already told you 'no'."

"Well we gotta call ourselves in sick, no?"

"Mmm, but I want kisses."

"Call yourself in and then I'll give you more."

So I called myself in sick, Rui had also done the same and it was back to kissing.

"Fufufu~, you're rather affectionate this morning, Tsukasa-Kun," I guess I could say you're right. I am in that kind of a mood. I just wanna keep kissing you. And so, I leaned in.

"Mmm," a purr said in unison. I don't want this to end. Rui lets go again. But then he kissed me on the lips, no tongue, just his lips interlocking with mine,

"Let's go have breakfast."

"Alright," I smiled at him. Boy, I am hungry though. I follow Rui downstairs and take my seat. He heads toward the fridge to grab something. Ooh, eggs.

"Honey, is tamagoyaki good with you?" I nod my head fiercely. Earning me a chuckle from Rui.

"Also, tea or coffee?"

"Coffee please."

"Cream, sugar?"

"Both, love."

Rui starts prepping us breakfast. I really should do something for him too. But what? We should go out on another date! To karaoke? I think Rui would like that.

"Breakfast is served!" Below me lied a plate of tamagoyaki, some rice, and my coffee. Taking in the aroma, I flash a smile towards Rui. Rui sits across from me. We both start eating. We begin to freak out cause it's so fucking delicious.

"Holy shit! Rui! You're a genius in everything, no?"

"I made delicious. I can barely think."

"Rui, you wanna do some karaoke today?"

"Hmm? Sure, why though?"

"I know I probably will never be able to pay you back for everything so it's what I came up with."

"'Pay me back'!? That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard! You owe me nothing! You know why!? Because I love you!"

I tear up a bit after Rui said that.

"I do this out of the goodness of my heart! Honey," He wraps his arms around me. He buries his head into my shoulder. I glance at him and kiss his head.


"Karaoke sounds good today, doesn't it?"

I nod. I let Rui kiss me again. It makes me feel at ease somehow. I don't know why though. I cup his cheek and he grabs on to my shoulder. Presumably for balance I guess. He suddenly breaks and flashes me a sweet look. Pupils dilated, a big smile, rosy cheeks, my heart isn't strong enough.

I blush heavily.

"Your heart?"

"My heart! It's not strong enough for this shit."

Rui giggles despite my embarrassment. I stand up and face my boyfriend, cupping his cheek once again.

"I love you, Rui."

"I love you too, Tsukasa-kun."

"We should go to karaoke now, no?"

"Yeah, babe. Let's go."

As we were walking to karaoke, we encountered a familiar face. It was Saki! I wonder if she sees us. Us holding hands...Saki turns away from her friends and flashes me a big smile.

"Onii-Chan!" She shouts as she dashes towards us. "I've missed you so much already! It hasn't even been more than a day!" Those words, hurt. I missed her too. I missed being able to take care of her.

"Kamishiro-San? How are you doing?"

"Alright," I notice a soft shake from Rui so I hold his hand a little tighter.

"Saki-Chan! You didn't tell us that Tsukasa-Kun had a boyfriend! Congrats, Tsukasa-kun! Congrats, Kamishiro-San!"

Rui and I thank Honami. We wave our goodbyes and head towards the karaoke booth.

"Rui, I saw you shake earlier, are you alright? I'm worried."

"I'm fine," he shook again. "Let's keep going. I don't wanna go home. Singing will make me ecstatic."

We finally arrived at the karaoke booth. I payed this time. The host led us to our booth and wished us a good time.

"I don't want to sing about sad things right now...happy songs, happy songs."

"You really aren't okay, are you?"

"No, I'm sorry. It's just, I'm worried about you. It's weighing too much...love is brutal. Let's just sing."

"Mmm, how about this. Ai no Uta?"

"Upa upa?"

"Upa upa pa!"

So we began singing. Rui actually took the harmony part which made me surprised. But he does look a bit happier right now. That's good. Rui, I don't think I can say this out loud right now but, I'm so glad that I met you. You're amazing in every way. Every note you sing is perfect. I can't take it! I gotta tell him this now.

"Hey, Rui?"


"I'm so glad I met you," Rui leans in to me. Lips nearly touching again. I nod and he kissed me again. It felt really nice. Once again, we decided to look for another song to sing.

"Mmm, How about this one?"

"Fire Flower? Sure. Sounds good to me."

So we began to sing a whole plethora of songs until our time ran out and the staff passive aggressively kicked us out. I had a lot of fun today but now we're back home.

"Rui, heading to bed? If so, can I join you?"

"Yes love, please do."

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