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Rui: So let's have a date at the local café.
Tsukasa: That does sound good, why a café tho?
Rui: Well, it's close to my house and a lot of friend groups hang out there. We won't look too out of place.
Tsukasa: Okay, let's do it after school.
Rui: That sounds great! Thx. I gtg.
Hah, I have a date with him. It's gonna be amazing and I'm stoked. Just thinking about it makes my heart flutter. I love him so much already. I didn't expect to meet the man of my dreams so soon. Hah. Well, I need to get to bed.


"So the way the mitochondria works is...." I can't think straight. I mean, I never was but all I can think about is Rui. I stare out the window. How about this school day end already.
"Yes, Sensei?"
"What kind of cells have a cell wall?"
"Mm, that would be a plant cell, no?"
"Correct. You may have a seat."
Why? Why would he ask me?


So I have some katsudon from last night. Still just as tasty. I feel a little tap on my shoulder. It was Rui.

"Rui, come sit!"
"Ahaha, yessir."
"Don't 'ahaha' me!"
"Ok, ok, calm down. I wanted to show you what the place looks like."
Rui pulled out his phone and showed me images of the place. He forgot to mention it was a cat café! All of the cats were really cute. Rui had this sweet look in his eyes when he looked at me now.
"You smile like a cat, Rui."
"You think so, Tsukasa-Kun?"
"Mmm. Look at you." I point my phone camera at him. "Smile!"
God he is so beautiful! His soft lips, his golden eyes, his purple hair. It was all so beautiful. I turn my phone towards Rui.
"Fufufu~you're right"
"Hah, the bell will ring soon. I don't want this period to end."
"Well, all good things must come to an end, Tsukasa-kun."
"Mmm," I pulled him close and kissed him, then the bell rang.
"See you later!"


"Tsukasa-kun! Are you ready?"
"Yep, I'm ready. I couldn't stop thinking about it all day. My heart is pounding."
"Alright, let's go."
As we were walking, we saw Emu and Nene head into the cat café we were going too. Nene turns her head around and nags at Emu's sleeve.

"Tsukasa-kun! Rui-kun! Hello!"
"Emu-kun, Nene, hello."

I got distracted by a cat rubbing it's body against me.

"Hello, little guy."

This cat, it's really fucking cute. I love it. I love this place already.


"Pspspspsps," I barely heard Rui call me while playing with the cat.

"Tsukasa-kun! What brings you and Rui-Kun here?"

"Us? Emu?"

"Yeah! Nene-chan and I are on a date!"


"Fufufu~, Tsukasa-kun and I are here too for the exact same reason."

Emu and Nene...what a cute pair, but this cat won't leave me be. I'm hungry. The cat hops on to my back. It can stay there. I pet the kitty's head.

"Rui? We should order something."

"Mmm, we should. I'll pay."



"Oh, thank you."

The cat hops on to my shoulder. We order our food and drinks and sit down. This cat seems rather fond of me. It's cute. The cat looks at me and rubs it's head against mine. It hops off. What a strange little kitty. Why does it look sad? Sitting across from me, stood Rui. He looked amazing again today. I mean, like always. He sipped on his coffee and motioned for my hand. I gave him my hand. His fingers intertwine with mine. I blush beet red.

"Tsukasa-kun? You alright?"

"I'm fine, thanks for asking."

"After this there is one more place I wanna take you."

Huh? A surprise? He's too damn mysterious. I love him for that though. I wonder what else he wants to do with me. Right now, I feel at ease.  I'm so happy, Rui! I flash a smile at the man sitting across from me.

I finish my drink slightly after Rui finishes his. We clean up and he motions for my hand again. I give it to him. My fingers interlaced with his once more. My heart is pounding. Where are we going? It's getting close to sundown.

Rui took me too a local park, there was a bench beside the cliff giving us a view over the city. It was absolutely gorgeous. He let go of my hand and motioned me to sit on the bench with him. There's no way in hell I would decline. I love him.

"Rui! This place! It's beautiful!"

"I know. That's why I chose it for a little surprise."

"I wish I had a surprise planned for you but alas, I don't."

"Your confession was definitely your surprise. When Saki asked me to cheer you up, I had no idea what she could have meant," Rui continues, "Your confession was a shock, I thought I was gonna have to confess myself."

"Rui? You caught feelings too?"

"Yes, if I didn't, I don't think I would have agreed, no?"

"Damn, you're right."

A moment of silence came over Rui and I. I felt at peace. Ah, what the hell. I look at Rui and he looks at me. He leans in for the kiss. I take it. Mmm, Rui, I love you so much. This moment, I don't think I'd ever forget it. Us kissing under the sunset.

The beauty of this moment was only temporary. Rui let go of my lips. I opened my eyes and give Rui a silly puppy dog look. He giggles and wraps his arms around me. He whispers into my ear.

"I love you, Tsukasa-kun."

I lean in for another kiss. This time I kiss Rui, letting my passion overflow onto him. Rui puts his hand on my back pulling me in closer, but little did we know, someone was filming the entire encounter.

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