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After Rui and I were to tired to make out anymore, I turned on the TV. What aired was a weather report.

"Today in Shibuya, a meteor shower is supposed to happen tonight at around midnight," The news lady had reported.

"Ah meteor shower, huh?" Rui questioned.

"Yeah, from what the diagram looks like, we can watch it just from outside our house."

Rui buried his head into my shoulder. It felt nice. This is something I've gotten used to. Like my heart feels fully at peace when I'm with him. Hah, I'm in bliss. Amazing. Something Emu would probably describe as 'Wandahoi'.

Soft purrs escaped from Rui's lips. He pulls me in even closer than I was before.

"You wanna go watch it? It'll start around midnight," I said. Rui had responded with a nod. He leaned in close and gave me another kiss.

"I think it might distract you from whatever you're thinkin' about."

"The weather lady, is my mom...I miss her..."

"Does she accept you for who you are?"

"Yes, it's just that she needed to live closer to work and gave me this place. Maybe I could invite her over one day..."

"That sounds nice."

Rui holds me even tighter.

"We should probably eat something, Tsukasa-Kun."

"Eating something always makes you feel better, no?"

Both of us get up from our spots and trek towards the kitchen. Looking in the fridge for something to make. Rui suggests just ordering out and I agree. I didn't really want anything in the fridge anyway. Rui, pulls out a bunch of menus from a drawer.

"Why do you have so many?"

"When my mom lived here, we ordered out a lot so she saved all these menus. Want hotpot?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" My eyes lit up. I was excited, a meal that can really only be enjoyed shared. We ordered a somewhat spicy hotpot.

"The veggies will be covered in like a spicy sauce. It should make them tolerable, no?"

"Mmm, maybe? I doubt it..."

"It'll be mostly meat, ok?" I kiss him on the cheek.

"Yeah," Rui returns with a kiss upon my cheek. I pick up my phone and order.

"Mm," a soft purr into my shoulder after I put down my phone.

"Hey, Rui. Look at me," Rui looks at me with puppy like eyes. I cup his cheek and plant a kiss on his lips. I leave his lips for a minute but he returns to mine for more. We continued this pattern until our food had arrived.

"Ah, yes, thank you," I pick up our food and set it on the table. I poured water over the soup base.

"Tsukasa-kun, you look amazing today. Like, I just can't think clearly..."


"I'm sor—" I cut him off with another kiss.

"Mmm," He purrs. He's really like a cat. I like that about him.

As I let the soup base heat up, Rui and I chatted while eating the sides. And some rice of course. Rui put the first piece of meat into the broth. I follow soon after. I could smell all the aromatics.

We begin to eat. The food was absolutely delicious. Rui seems to be enjoying too. He's so handsome, my heart is about to explode. I love him. I put the noodles into the broth. Rui flashes me with a smile.

After we were done eating, we were stuffed. Rui went on his couch to lie down. I walked over to him. He motioned me to come close. He kissed my lips softly. I never really noticed how perfectly our lips fit together. I licked his lips and he lets me in.

We continue making out for awhile. Then, we heard Rui's phone ring. We break and Rui answers. It was his mom. Tears begin falling from Rui's eyes. He motioned me to go in his arms. I do my best to stay quiet.

"Hey, Mama, I found someone to love," I overheard Rui say. I could hear excited mumbling from Rui's phone.

"Let me ask, Tsukasa-Kun," Rui tells his mom. He turns to me.

"Tsukasa-Kun, my mom wants to visit us."

"Oh? When?"


"Of course."

"Mama! You can come!" I could hear happy mumbling from Rui's phone. Rui had a smile on his face. The call had ended.


Rui and I make our way to our yard. A lot of people were outside. Emu and Nene were over next to us but didn't seem to notice us. Rui and I were both looking at the stars. Then, the first meteorite came down.

"I wish Tsukasa-Kun and I can stay together," Rui repeated this wish two more times. I'm so glad he thinks that way. I wanna stay with him forever too. I can feel his warmth. Hear his heartbeat. Another star fell from the sky. I made my wish.

"I wish I'll be able to marry Rui someday." I repeat this wish softly to myself. From what it looks like, Rui didn't hear a thing. We both made our wishes. Rui pulls me to the ground. I, now laying atop him, I just wanna pay attention to him. He is my star isn't he? I love you, Rui.

"Baby," he pulls me in for a kiss under the stars. I graciously accept. Soon meteorites fell from the sky beating our words exchanged. My heartbeat slowed. I looked up at the sky.

"Rui, it's beautiful."

"Mmm, not as beautiful as you. I get to look at a shooting star everyday."

"Rui!" I blush heavily. I bury my head in his chest.

I enjoyed the meteor shower with him. Rui kissed my head every so often. It made me happy knowing that I was loved. Rui, took off his jacket and put it over me. It was warm.

"I'm gonna go get us a blanket. I'm cold." I await Rui's return. He returns with a blanket and wraps it around me. I couldn't help myself at that point. Between his jacket, the blanket, and his own body heat, I couldn't help but fall asleep.

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