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Worry floods Jungkook's veins as anxiousness settles in his stomach, when he arrived home from the meeting he figured his mate would be home instead of missing. The last thing he thought he would be doing is driving on the main road looking for taehyung's car, hoping that he simply hit a small patch of black ice and ran off the road. He hopes that is is something small and not what his mind is practically screaming at him, that his mate spoke the unthinkable plan into existence.

As he reaches that halfway point in the road, where it becomes the side of Crescent Moon pack, his heart drops. The Alpha saw the back of Taehyung's car in the treeline, the front crunched by the tree it hit. He quickly pulls over, seeing no black ice, yet he sees tire marks where the Omega had slammed on his breaks to stop.

"Taehyung!" He shouts as he exits the vehicle, his focus being on the car, he hopes that the younger is in the driver seat. Though the hopes become crushed as he sees that the driver door is opened and the seat is empty.

"Taehyung!" Jungkook calls out once more, searching the car, seeing if he can pick up a scent, yet he gets nothing, not even the Omega's. He sees scratch marks on the leather part of the middle console, like someone grabbed onto it for dear life, enough scratch marks to indicate that two hands grabbed ahold. He sees a few droplets of blood, a trail of some sort leading out of the vehicle.

He turns back around and focuses on the snow covered ground, seeing more droplets of blood surrounded by multiple footprints. He squats down, and touches the crimson liquid, bringing his fingers to his nose. His breath gets caught in his throat as he gets a subtle scent of Honey and Vanilla.

"Jungkook?" Jimin calls out as he exits his vehicle, running up to the crashed car.

"Blood. It's Taehyung's." The Purebred states as he shows the Alpha his bloodied fingers.

"So what now?" The elder questions as he squats next to the younger.

"We follow the blood trail." Jungkook replies as he points at the red droplets that lead into the woods. "We just better hope that we do not loss the trail or we are fucked. All of the scents, even Taehyung's, have been covered up."

"What do you think happened?" Jimin asks.

"We both know what I think happened, let's just pray that I am wrong."

The two stand back up, the Alpha wiping the blood on his slacks, he certainly is not dressed for this kind of expedition, yet he does not care, all he is focused on is finding his mate alive. Jungkook and Jimin start their search into the woods, standing on either side of the blood trail in hopes of not losing it.

As the minutes tick by, the snow starts to fall down once more, covering up the blood trail and footsteps slightly, the crimson liquid staining the fresh snow still making it visible. The two know that if the snow falls any harder or faster they could lose the trail all together.

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