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{TS: 3 weeks}

"Jimin!" Taehyung whines as he flops down onto the couch. The Alpha is over to visit since Jungkook is away in the city. Him and Chavoni are staying in Seoul as they have a week long meeting with the Government of Seoul regarding issues between the backs and what is being done to solve them. "What is it Tae?" Jimin asks and looks over at the younger from the TV show he's watching. "I'm tired." He whines and pouts causing the Alpha to laugh and the young omega to roll his eyes.

"Why? Did Jungkook keep you up all night on the phone again?" He teases causing Taehyung to groan. "No! No this time. I just feel extremely tired and my stomach feels very queasy at times." He explains causing Jimin to raise his eyebrows at his friend. "Taehyung, hasn't it been three weeks since your cycle?" He asks and it causes the younger's eyes to widen at the realization on what Jimin is implying. "No....no! I can't be!" Taehyung exclaims as he gets up.

The young Omega starts to pace the room, one of his arms if folded as it holds up the other letting Taehyung chew on his thumb nail. A popping sound is heard as the younger flicks his nail off of his tooth. "Jimin I'm not ready! Especially with everything that is happening." He exclaims some more as tears well up in his eyes, he can't bear the thought of other people losing their focus just because he might be pregnant. "Tae, calm down Jungkook can probably feel you freaking out." Jimin says in a soothing voice as he walks over to the younger and pulls him into a hug.

"I'm not ready to go through the pain of losing my child." The younger whispers, though it sounded so broken and so painful. "It's okay Taehyung. I'm going to go to town, drink water before I get back okay? Call Jin and Namjoon for comfort as well." The Alpha says and Taehyung nods. The two break the hug and Jimin goes to the door, he smiles at the younger before leaving. The omega sighs as he hears the door close, he sits down on the couch as his mind starts to think.

He's conflicted, he feels like with everything going on that a pup at this time is a really bad idea. Though he's also feels extremely happy to a point, if he's pregnant he now knows that he can give his wonderful mate an heir.


Taehyung, Jin, Jimin, and Namjoon are all sitting in the younger's bedroom. He is looking at the box in front of him scared to takes the tests inside. "Tae, it's going to be okay." Jin says as he places the box and a sterile container cup in his hand. "I know, it's just that...with everything going on it just doesn't seem right to have a child." He states and bites his lip. "What do you mean? With everything going on a little happinesses is what we need." Namjoon says and hugs the younger.

"We are all playing this waiting game Taehyung. It's been three weeks since we got the note, three weeks since Yoongi disappeared, not to mention on that same night three week ago you and Jungkook saw Grand Oak snooping around. Ever since then it's been quiet. We are all on edge so this will bring so many people joy." Namjoon continues and Taehyung nods. "Okay, you're right." He admits before standing up with the box and cup in hand.

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