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Harry POV
The third task is later today. I bet Jackson doesnt even know what the clue is. I wonder who'll be sent down for him. He doesnt seem to have a best friend out of everyone. We will just have to see. Jackson is weird. Ive been as wizard for years now and I have never heard of a fireproofing spell. He is definitely lying about something.
Percy POV
Im freaking out! A
Annabeth's camp necklace is gone. I cant find it anywhere. All the beads, her dads ring, a coral ring with a pearl  I gave her. And the locket I bought her that has-
'Ill always be your sea weed brain as long as you want to be my wise girl. Love Percy xoxo'
Inside There is a picture of us on the beach. Ira my favourite photo, we look so happy in it. Usually I wear the necklace around my neck but I had to take it off to shower and when i got back it was gone. Potter must have stolen it. Just when i thought he was starting to leave me alone. Unfortunately, i dont have time to look for it in his things. Im already late. As i run down to the lake for the trial, I think about what we were told in transfiguration earlier. Apparently there will be a ball, and the champions Are all required to bring a date. I cant bring Thalia because everyone knows we are related and she doesnt like to dance. Ron said I could being Hermione Just for thw first dance but I couldnt come between their romantic evening. Same reason I went being Piper or Hazel. I was going to ask Luna but I heard Neville like a her and I dont want to atop his chance. Im not blind. Any girl in this school would say yes if I asked. Im not being delusional, Thalia pointed it out. I heard Will and Calypso waa granted permission to come for the night, so I think ill ask Reyna. She could probably use a break from running New Rome for a night.
I arrived at the lake last. Whoops. Im in  Dark blue, Gabrielle is in green and Dimitri is in Red. We line up. I can see the other two have their Wands out, probably to cast a spell to breath underwater. Mcgonegal is saying something but im not listening. Im in swim mode.
I hear the horn and dive. Its pitch black. Of course my senses are acutely suited for underwater. I can already feel the two warm blooded people on thw distance and it cant be the other competitors they are way behind. I zoom through the water and come into a clearing in the middle of a Forrest of seaweed. I see two people, one a girl I saw with Dimitri once and the other a guy drum Ravenclaw that Gabrielle must know. But thats not what im here for. I guess I owe Potter an apology,though I'll never actually tell him. I grab Annabeths necklace, wave goodbye to the menfolk giggling at me and swim up. I hear a shocked gasp. Yeah, i spent 17 minutes on a 1 hour task ans that because i stopped to talk with Sammy the squid. I hopped out of the lake and was greeted by my friends.
I looked at the judges and I received 50. A perfect score! Ha! Beat that Potter, I bet he never got full marks on one of his trials. I strung the necklace back round my neck them no knew was looking. I will have to ask how thw headmistress had gotten it.
I waited on a bench for the other two to finish. Gabrielle popped up with her guy at around 51 mins. At 60 minutes Dimitri popped up, but he didnt have the girl. He looked panicked. Apparently something called a Grindelow attacked them when the were coming up but his charm had worn off so he couldnt help. He tried moving them woth magic but no luck.
Id heard enough. Before anyone could stop me i dove back into the lake.
I found them on no time. The girls lips were blue. CRAP! The spell on her must have worn off too. The Grindelows scattered as soon as they saw me. I grabbed the girl and let the water propel us to the surface.
As soon as Dimitri started describing what happened Percy bolted back into the water. Except he left his wand. O my god! His spell will have worn off! He'll drown!
After 3 minutes we were all Panicking. Except the other Americans.
"Why arena you worried?" I asked nervously.
"Percy is a strong swimmer." Nico shrugged.
"It doesntatter if he can swim he cant hold his breath forever!"
"You'd be surprised." Said Hazel.
10 minutes had passed and nothing when suddenly Percy popped up about a mole away I could Kurt about Arw him and swam over. He has to be the fastest swimmer ever! Even with a girl between his feet he got her in seconds. I shoves her onto the dock And then jumped out himself.
"She isnt breathing!" Someone yelled. Percy put his hand over the girls chest ans suddenly she was sat up coughing up gallons of water. No one else apart from me saw what he did worn the water. As we stood up he whispers,"We need to talk. Dont tell." He then helped the girl onto her feet. Everyone was clapping. He told everyone he performed a water breathing spell before he jumped back in And that he gave the girl CPR.
Hopefully what he me is a to tell is the secret. The one all his friends know.

(just wanted to apologise for the spelling, I am not the beat typer.)

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