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Classes were very uninteresting today, as usual. Dinner is in like 3 hours so the demigods promised to show me their powers. Apparently, none of them know what exactly Percy can do. He got called up to Olympus and cane back with more abilities than he had before but none of them ever wanted to question it. Also, the reason Percy has to be shocked awake is because McGonegal had Slughorn make him a sleeping draught because he needed to be well rested and he couldnt sneak out to the lake in the middle of the night.
We had decided to meet out the back of Hagrids hut where no one could see us. I went back up to the common room first to change as my robes were starting to get uncomfortable. I opened the door and found Percy TALKING to his cat Small Bob and Thalias owl Zoe. "Heyyy, Percy. You good?" Needless to say I was slightly concerned. "Yup. Apparently Small Bob stood on Zoe, I was just straightening things out. Ready to go?" "Almost...."
He waited for me to change and then we left together. Maybe talking to animals is one of his powers. On the way Percy was asking me about some stuff Lupin had mentioned in DADA.
"So whats this Dementor, Boggert stuff?" Lupin had decided to redo his Boggart lesson from 3rd year as well as going over patronises. "Basically, tomorrow we have a double. So in thw first lesson we will be entertaining a Boggart. Boggarts are creatures that then into your worst fear. In the second lesson we will be learning the patronus charm which is the only spell that can defeat a Dementor." Percy looked wary. Understandable. Demigods must have truly horrific fears.
We were the last to get to the clearing. The Hogwarts demigods were here too including Dean Thomas. Apparently Seamus had spilled the beans 5 months in to third year. Not surprised.  Dean wanted to see how powerful these guys were.
Piper stepped forward.
"Ill go first I guess, since my power isnt as cool as everyone else's. Dean, run into that tree." I almost laughed. That is until Dean actually ran into the tree.
"Uhhhh bloody hell. That hurtttt!" Dean looked a bit wobbly as he got up. Im quite glad she hadnt told me to do it.
"Im Leo." Percy rolled his eyes."and im HOT!!!" Leo lit up like a Christmas tree. His body was engulfed in flames. It was more impressive than back at the lake.
Draco and Neville looked really impressed.
Jason flew around and created a little lighting storm. Thalia shot lightning as a tree.
"I can do some stuff with jewels but more interestingly I can control the mist extensively. Some of demigods can do it a small bit like Thalia and Percy. " All of a sudden, I wasnt in the clearing. I was standing on hill over looking a camp. An enormous statue stood beside me. Hermione gasped. "The Athena Parthenos!" She looked bewildered. I was snapped back to the clearing in seconds. "Im going back to camp this summer. I didnt realise how much I misses it." Luna, Neville, Draco and Seamus agreed with Hermione.
Again I felt a twinge of hurt that she had never told me about any of this.
" I can shapeshift." Frank the began to stretch and grow fur until a full sized lion was standing in front of us. "So not just a horse then?" Draco smiled. I did too.
Nico stepped up. He kinda scared me. "Son of the dead controls the dead." Suddenly a hand punched through the earth. I jumped back. After a second a mine sized skeletal zombie thing stood in front of us. He had on a hat like taxi drivers wear in the movies. "This is Jules-Albert. He's my chauffeur." Nico smiled at the zombie and gave him a hug. SO weird.
"Ive been meaning to ask. Why did demigods decide to interact with the wizarding world only now." Dean asked.
"Well, before we left the States, our camp director told us we werw here to make sure Harry Potter isnt get big-headed. Of course none of us believes that. Although he down hqve quite a big ego. About a month after we got here Mcgonegal called us into her office and told us that we were actually asked to come here now because we both just got out of wars, and she wanted to make sure that if we ever ended up in the same war, that we would end up fighting on the same side. As well as that, she was worried that someone would try to tamper with the Triwizard Tournament "like last time" or something. This probably only needed one demigod but Chiron, our director, sent all of us because he figured we could use a break from the demigod world for a bit." Explained Thalia. That makes a lot of sense.
"Percy..." Jason said almost hesitantly. Even they didnt know the full extent of his abilities.
"This will take a bit. So first of all, you know I have more abilities now then I did before?" The demigods nodded. "When I got called to Olympus after the war, Zeua offered me God-hood again." AGAIN!! Even the others looked shocked. "I said no because I want to die someday to be reunited with... Everyone. So, instead, they decided to bless me instead." "All of the Gods?!" Hermione asked shocked. "Yep." Percy said popping the 'p'.
He then proceeded.
He startes running in circles, which I thought was weird at first but I suddenly realised how fast he was actually going. It was like watching q race car. "Holy..." Hazel smacked Leo before he could finish. Percy then grabbed thw nearest smaller tree and yanked it out of the ground, roots and all. "Enhanced speed and strength- Ares." He to started flying then. "Zeus." Before anyone relied what was happening, he stabbed himself in the shin. "DUDE! What the hell!" Yelled Nico. But Percy just put his hand over it and the wound disappeared. "Apollo." "Did you really have to have stab yourself?" Asked Draco, half amused. Percy just smirked and shrugged. "Thalia pass me your bow." Thalia did as instructed but took a couple steps back. As did everyone else.
Percy rolled his eyes, drew the bow back and hit the centre of a tree. He then drew another arrow and shot or straight at the sake place. It split thw feat one in two. "Artemis." "She really is a miracle worker." Neville laughed. Now the stepping back makes sense. Percy got fire powers, like Leos, from Hephaestus and control over the dead from Hades. He could control plants, courtesy of Demetre and talk to animals thanks to Hermes. "This comes more naturally to me." He said. Then, he vanished. He didnt reappear for awhile, but when he did he had a mirror in his hand. "Oh my god is that Drew's mirror.?!" Piper startes laughing like a maniac. I dont know who drew is but im guessing we dont like her. "What was that?" Seamus looked around in bewilderment. "Vapour travel. I can condense my body into the water particles around me and travel faster than the speed of light. The mirror belongs to a girl from our camp. I just went and got it." " You were just in America?" I asked. Percy nodded. That is really something. " I can also shapeshift and then there is the control of water." Water started appearing from out of thin air. Water particles in thw atmosphere. He then froze it into a huge block of ice and let it crash to the ground. Percy then creates 6 or so mini hurricanes and let them fly around us for a bit. Finally, he finished with what was probably the moat impressive and terrifying one of all. I started to dance. But it wasnt me. I felt my limbs being pulled up and sown and everywhere. Leo laughed, until the realised what was happening. Percy was controlling my blood. Pulling at it. "Its not just water, its poison and blood and any other liquids. I promised Annabeth when we were in the Pit that id never do it again, but id didnt have control when I did it down there. I have it under control now." Im not are what the Pit is bit it doesnt sound very inviting. I dropped dancing. "Why..." Hazel couldnt figure out how to put the words together. Piper sucked in a shaky breathe like she already knew. Maybe Ammabeth and told her at some point. Before she died that is. "Why did u use it down there?" Hazel finished. "We needed the death mist to get the the Doors of Death. So we went to see Akhlys the goddess of misery, who is the keeper of the death mist. She didnt take too kindly to us and tried to drown us with her poison. And I snapped. I started suffocating her with it. I think its the lowest point ive ever been at. I was sick. Sick of having to fight everyday of my god damn life. Tired of losing people. I wanted someone to feel my pain. So I turned her own powers against her. It terrified Annabeth, she had me swear to never use my powers like that again. And I won't. The ability itself may be useful one day, but I'll never use to it purposefully inflict pain. Not again."
On the way back to the castle, the talk was pretty normal. Percy and Nico were laughing at how they had run into Nearly- headless Nick. Apparently, he had jumped back in horror when they actually, physically collided. He recognised Nico immediately after the shock passed and asked Nico to finish of his head. Nicola sword is made of some type of special iron so he was able to fully decapitated him. Nick was so grateful he actually Hugged Nico. I would have paid to see that.
Hermione, Frank and Luna were discussing tomorrows DADA lesson. I feel like it'll be the best yet.

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