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Percy POV
Nobody knows what it feels like to lose their other half. I put up the leader facade so I'm not depressing everyone else as well but I feel like I could snap any minute. When we flew over London all I could think was: Annabeth would have loved this. We landed outside of the Leaky Couldron and said goodbye to the Pegasi.
"If the people who work here are wizards, how come this place doesn't look very good?" Leo asked. "Incognito. Of I were a wizard I wouldn't want to stand out." I answered." Sounds like something Annabeth would say." Jason whispered. "Yeah well, Annabeth's gone. Someone else needs to be the logical one from now on." I answered.
Jason POV
I'm pretty sure everyone can see how much this is killing Percy on the inside. "Come on. We should book into our room." I said.
Once inside, we could deffinatly see that wizards were here. Chairs and mugs were flying everywhere. "It is an honour to meet you Percy Jackson!" said the man behind the counter. "My names Tom, Im a son of Athena. Is Annabeth here as well?" He asked. I could see how much it pained Percy so I stepped in. "Annabeth couldn't come." " That is too bad. She is my favorite sister." Tom said. We followed Tom up the stairs and into a big room at the bottom of the hall. "There are only three double beds and three single beds, so you will have to work out that complication. I hope you enjoy your stay." "Thank you, Tom." Piper answered.
When Tom left the room, we all decided it would be best if the couples got the double beds and the single people got the other beds. I knew Percy was thinking about how Annabeth and him would have shared. I mean, we all miss Annabeth but what I miss more is the sound of Percy's laugh, the sight of his smile and overall what I miss most is Percy being happy. He is my best friend (dont tell Leo I said that) so I miss the old him. The one that would laugh at our jokes. The one who played pranks on people with the Stolls.
"JASON!" Piper yelled, making me jump. " You zoned out. We were just saying that we need to pick up our school supplies. Have you got the list from Chiron?"
I handed her the note, which she then gave to Frank because he was the only one that could read. "It just has a long list of books, and other items like wands and cauldrons. Also says that the students wear robes but just in case any monsters come, we dont have to wear them. We should go in the morning. Im jet lagged." Frank explained. "Use can go to sleep. Im not." Percy said. "Me neither." Answered Nico. We all knew why. Nico can't sleep peacefully without Will Solace nearby to wake him up if he has a nightmare. Percy on the other hand hasn't slept since before the war. Apparently he does this thing were he lies in water for a couple hours and comes out fully recuperated and awake.
Nico POV
After everyone else fell asleep me and Percy started up a conversation. "So how are things with you and Will?" Asked Percy."Good. I mean, I promised I would IM him everyday but I dont know if that will work with the time difference. Im just glad everyone accepted me for being gay." I said. The whole time I was so scared that people would judge me, more then they already did anyways, that it never crossed my mind that they would be ok with it. "Why wouldn't we accept you Neeks. Your family. Your technically my little brother. We are all just happy to see you happy."
"Everyone would much rather you happy than me. Ill always be kind of moody but you, what happened to you Perce. We all miss Annabeth but we also miss you. Its like you died along with her and we got a clone of you without the happiness, the sarcasm, the joker... We didn't even get the part that smiles."
"You dont get it Neeks. When I lost her, it felt like I lost a limb. She was my everything. The only reason im still here is because I promised her that I would stay. Her dying wish." He answered quietly. "Percy, you still have us. You will always have someone in your life that makes you laugh, that gives you hope even when all seems lost. You think you lost that but you didn't. Look around Percy. We all love you. ." Great. Now im starting to sound like Piper." Not like Annabeth did, but its still love. We miss the old you. We want him back more then anything and to be honest, your starting to scare the hell out of all of us. You will always have someone to give you hope, to make you happy...us. I know you'll never get over Annabeth. But you can't grieve the rest of you life. We will always be there, even when you dont want us. Thats what family is for. Simul autem fortior knobs (stronger together). Yeah?"
I didnt wait for his answer. Instead I decided to get some sleep.

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