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Harry POV
Something was wrong. You could see it on Percys face right before the transported.
It became more and more obvious when the flashed away and didnt end up in front of us.
What was even stranger was not 5 minutes before they arrived, Dimitri had grabbed the cup, but instead of appearing in front of us, the cup just arrived back in the clearing red instead of white. The teachers were panicking.
" Keep camn now. Im sure everything is fine." But even headmistress Mcgonegal sounded startled.
The screen cake back to life. What we saw shook all of us to our core.
Dimitri had a giant cut on his arm. Gabrielle looked fine.
But Percy.
Percy had been beaten bloody.
And behind them were the most horrifying monsters ive ever seen. Around me people screamed. Some were crying. I just stood there frozen.

Percy POV
I thought I was ready, except landing on my face slowed me down. Too slow. When we landed Gabrielle was snatched up so quickly I barely had time to blink. I was grabbed too. I took in my surroundings.
There was Dimitri. He looked ok. I mean his arm was pretty mangled. But apart from that he seemed fine. I lookes around. We were surrounded by monsters in a huge clearing in the middle of a Forrest. I was being held very tight by a Cyclops.
But I had to play this right.
"Percy Jackson..." A voice teased. Kellie. I knew that voice.
I was going to rip her tongue out.
I growled.
She stepped out behind a very burly Cyclops. "Tut tut tut... Where are your manners. Didnt Annabeth teach you that it was polite to say hello?" S
She was trying to bait me. I stayed still.
"Whats no come back? No matter. Id rather hear you scream Instead." The Cyclops through me to the ground. I got up. The Cyclops took my sword, but I didnt need it.
What I had planned was going to hurt. But I had to know what the hell was going on.
The monsters closed in. But I stood my ground. A Cyclops swung his club.
I let it hit me. I flew back into a tree and heard a crack.
Just as I tried to stand another club was swung. It hit me right in the face. Again, I let it.
Then another.
Kellies smile was gone. "Fight back!" She hissed. I just smiled. I guess she decided to deal with me herself because she faces up to me.
I was bleeding everywhere. Some blood was in my mouth, my nose was bleeding and one of my ears as well.
I got on to one knee.
" O Percy, you poor thing. Forgotten how to fight have you?" Her words dripped. She was quick I'll give her that. Her teeth where at my neck before I even noticed.
I definitely have a concussion.
I almost screamed. All I felt was extreme pain.
Gabrielle was screaming.
Dimitri look terrified.
Kellie stopped.
"When we kill you, we'll send your body back. We'll send back one of the wizards too. With any hope the demigods will kill the wizards in revenge. Spells dont work the same one you guys after all. And then without you, we will strike down the demigods while their Defense are weakened."

I wasnt the smartest. But for some reason, demigods can use magic really well. I recited the spell that tuned into the broadcast spell. Id heard Mcgonegal say it earlier.
Non verbal magic was very tricky, Lupin would be proud.
I couldnt tell if it had worked but it didnt matter i had to get Gabrielle and Dimitri out of here. Before I decided my next move, I felt a piercing pain shoot through my abdomen. Id been lying on my back, leaving an easy target.
Kellie had gotten board apparently. Shed stabbed her staff down into my chest to finish off. She lookes down.
"And so falls Peeseus Jackson."
I turned my head, but even that hurt.
I was glad to die. I welcomed it.
All of a sudden Annabeth was infront of me, her hand outstretched, calling me to join her. It wasnt her actual spirit of course, just my imagination.
I looked further left straight at Gabrielle. Her eyes were terrified. And something snapped in me.
I couldnt die. Not with Gabrielle and Dimitri still alive with no way to escape. I plugged the blood.
Blood bending. Its only a temporary fix, but It will stop me bleeding out for the time being. I got to my feet. Kellie turned.
I wasnt in pain anymore.
Covered in my own blood, im sure i looked pretty terrifying. Power surged through my veins. I was numb. No pain. Just power. The earth began to shake, overhead lightning started, a circle of fire appeared around the clearing so no one could run. I pulled to water from the air, the ground, the trees, from wherever i could and froze them into little mini daggers. I shot them straight at the monsters. My capture Cyclops exploded into dust, i ran at his ashes and grabbed riptide changing it into pen form. I was a monster. I slashed and stabbed using my new speed all the while flinging ice and strangling with roots.

I leant against the nearest tree for support and glared at Kellie. She was restrained by vines, that were still coiling around her.
" You know Kellie, you shouldn't have underestimated me." I tilted my head And watched the vines curl around her neck.
It was sick, but I felt a deep satisfaction hearing the snap of her neck and watching her dissolve.
I was drained. Too much power.
Crap. I put my hand to my chest and felt the blood gushing. I collapsed. The ice wall id placed around Gabrielle and Dimitri melted. They Ran to me. Gabrielle grabbed the cup and teleported us all away.

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