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Hazel POV
"Leo? LEO!" I waved my hand in front of his face. "Don't even try. When he's out he's out." Explained Piper.
It was kind of unnerving actually. He was just standing there, and had been for the past 20 minutes.
"Can we go? I'm starving?" Asked Frank. "We can't just leave him here!" That'd be sorta mean. " if he wants to zone out, then let him." Nico grabbed his bag and walked out. Fine! I thought. He can catch up later. The patronus spell had been kinda hard. It was difficult thinking of a good memory. I mean I have tons, but when u try to think of one all I get are the stand out ones, which are all bad. Percy is the only one who could do it. Nico and Frank fainted. Which is probably not a good example of their mental health but anyway. Percy's  patronus was a beautiful Pegasus and it was surrounded by so much light, I think I went temporarily blind. The teacher said he had never seen anything like it and asked if Percy had ever seen a Pegasus before. Of course he said no.
"You just left me there!" Leo yelled as he walked over to where we were sitting.
"Hey, we tried, but you wouldn't budge." Jason explained, not even looking up from his food. "Then stab me or something. Don't let me stand there like and idiot."
"You look like an idiot wherever you stand. Can't be helped." Thalia remarked. Percy and Nico laughed. Leo poured but sat down.
"So Percy, the final task is coming up. You ready?" Asked Ron as he walked up to us.
"As ready as ever."
Kelli POV
Percy Jackson! Eghck! Even his name makes me want to vomit.
Ugh! Always ruining everything.
We had a plan.
A genius plan.
We couldn't take control of the gods. So we would take control of the wizards. Then the freaking party ponies happened. The British fleet ran into one of our camps a couple months back and let the old centaur Chiron know about our whereabouts. Chiron told Hecate. And bam. Enter Percy freaking Jackson.
I'm going to kill him with my bare hands, insanely powerful or not.
He'll be dead before the end of the year.

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