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Harry POV
"What is wrong with you!?" Yelled Mcgonegal. "Dont think I havent noticed that you have been less than welcoming to the new students. And NOW... What would process a person to use someone dead girlfriend against them!?"
I looked down. "I didnt know she was dead!" Honestly when I brought her up that day I found the photos , he should've mentioned she was dead. Its his own fault. I small part of me felt kind of guilty though. I guess its just dawned on me that I dont know what these people have gone through. Yes, I hate them and yes, they are definitely hiding something. But maybe I should lay off a bit. "Mr Potter, detention for two months. Your detention will be spent helping out Mr Filch by cleaning the bathrooms. And since he doesnt use magic, neither shall you." The headmistress gave me a look that said I should be happy I only got two months.
I left her office after waving goodbye to Dumbledore and Snape, the former looking quite disappointed.
We used to be best friends and now I cant even recognise him. Id figured out that Annabeth must of been a daughter of Athena. It explains the demigods reaction when I mentioned Athena earlier. I still wonder what Percys power is and I want to know about the adventures they said would take too long to tell me. I have a couple of ideas. From what I know about mythology and from looking at them, here is what ive come up with.
1) Thalia is a hunter of Artemis - she is always wearing silver, she glares at every guy who comes with in a 10 ft radius and she has the tiara, which actually makes me think she is quite high up like an advisor or second in command.
2) Thalia, Percy and Nico have known eachother the longest- Even though Thalia and Jason are siblings, Thalia seems closer to Percy. Maybe the share a loss the others dont.
3) Some thing bad happened to Nico and Percy- They both look haunted.
4) Luna, Neville, Draco, Hermione and Seamus dont really know Leo, Piper, Jason, Frank or Hazel.
5) These people have seen some bad stuff.
That much I can tell for sure. Hermione is different since they came. Not in a bad way. I feel like im finally seeing the real her. Percy reminds me of Fred. I know that sounds weird. Percys a lot more... Damaged?
But id guess that comes from living as a demigod.
Theirenergy is the same though. The feeling everyone seems to get when he walks in a room. Leo has Freds sense of humour, but its not the same.
I wonder if George and Percy have met. I mean they probably did when the demigods went to Diagon alley to get stuff.
I wonder if George saw what I see.
After Percy punched Harry, everyone went to bed. I guess that was enough excitement for one night. Will and Reyna decided to stay until breakfast. They seem really cool.
Hermione didnt say much on the way to the common room. I dont blame her. If Annabeth was a daughter of Athena, that would make them two sisters.
Harry didnt come in until 2 hours after everyone else had fallen asleep.
"Ron... Are you awake?" He whispered. I didnt answer. Whatever he has to say he can keep it to himself. If he was going to apologise, he was apologising to the wrong person.

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