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Hermione POV
I was so glad we got to redo our seventh year. Hogwarts has always been a second home to me. During this summer I tracked my parents down in Australia and managed to restore their memories. Today Harry, Ron, Ginny and I are going shopping for our school stuff. Since we were travelling around the country last year, we weren't able to buy our supplies and Ginny was only coming so that Harry didn't feel like a third wheel.
After waking up the boys the four of us went down for breakfast. As soon as we got downstairs the smell of Mrs Weasleys amazing cooking filled my nose. As soon as we ate our breakfast we apparated to Diagon Alley. Mrs Weasley was hesitant at first but she decided that we were old enough to go by ourselves.
The first thing we did was stop at gringotts to get our money. For some reason the goblins were chattering loudly today. I only caught bits of the conversations: Son. American. Lord. Sea. (Pretend Poseidon made goblins) Weird, I wonder what that could mean. First we went to flourish and blots to look around. Then, we went to Madam Malkins to get new robes. Our plan after that was to go to George's joke shop, get ice cream and look around the quidditch shop. We passed a group of six teenagers, I couldn't really see them but two of them looked kind of familiar, and with them, for some odd reason, there was an eagle and a wolf with sea-green eyes. The wolf was huge, almost human sized. The teens seemed to just stand around talking. Oh well. They must be visiting from somewhere else
Frank POV
After having breakfast, Tom showed us the combination for the brick wall. Diagon Alley was hugev. Shops lined the streets, which were busseling with people. "Ok. First stop Ollivanders, to get wands." As we searched the streets for Ollivanders we looked at all of the cool shops. Once we entered the wand shop, an old man came out from behind the counter. "Hello! I'm guessing your the exchange students Dumbledore told me about." "Yes that would be us." Replied Piper.
We spent the next hour getting wands. Of course, Percy took the longest. Apparently his wand is extremely rare and powerful. Exactly what we were all expecting. After getting our books from Flourish and Blotts we went looking around the other shops. For some reason when I get bored I shape-shift, and it seems Percy does too. If people looked at us they would see six teens, an eagle and a humongous wolf with green eyes. I'm the eagle if you didn't figure that out.
We saw a shop with brooms in the window and went to go see what that was about. A small kid explained about this cool wizard sport called quidditch. In the end Percy, Jason, Leo and Piper all got brooms. It would be cool but i might freak out and shift.
Incase you were wondering, Chiron gave us wizard money before we left.
"Hey look over there!" Yelled Leo.
Oh no! Leo just had to spot the joke shop. It was very colourful and Weasley's Wizard Weezes was on a big sign above the door. The shop was pretty impressive on the inside too. Love potions were on a big display in the centre of the room. Leo of course grabbed a handful of quills that did your homework for you. The girls were over in the corner looking at small pink animals. Percy was standing on a staircase talking to a tall guy with red hair. He seemed to have a kind of sad aura around him. Just like Percy did.

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