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Percy POV
Our second week at Hogwarts started off normally, like every other day since the first. Woke up. Woke Leo and Nico up with water. Put on a T-shirt, jeans and met the girls in the common room. Then we all headed to breakfast. Things only started getting interesting in 2nd period when the headmistress announced what we would be doing in class. "As you know the Triwizard Tournament is coming up and this year the Ministry has granted permission to allow us three schools to register our 7th and 8th year pupils as Animegi." If course we didn't know what that was. But to our relief Professor Mcgonegal explained it. "I'll explain what they are for the new students. People can register to become Animegi when they turn 18 but we are doing it now at 17. An Animegi can turn into an animal of their choosing without using a wand. For example..."she started to shrink, her robes melting into fur. Standing before us was a grey tabby cat. As quickly as it happened Professor Mcgonegal transformed back. "Can you change into more than one?" Asked Leo. Leave it to him to want to be more 'awesome' as he puts it. "Only Metamorphagus' can shapeshift into multiple things at a time. Unfortunately we can not make them. Your are born have to be born a metamorphagus . Normal bodies, even wizards, can't handle having more than 2 shapes and you will shrivel up from the inside and die. If a metamorphagus tried to become an Animegi, to make transitioning into that particular animal easier than usual. They would probably die to, as their bodies don't like being stuck in one given shape for too long. Like how a parent can't have a favourite child, a metamorphagus having a proffered shape would confuse the body and it may get stuck there forever. Of course I mean animals. Metamorphagus can be human as long as they want as it is their original shape." Oh no. Frank and I exchanged looks. Even though we aren't meta morph things and get our powers from Gods, I don't think we should push it.
Everyone gets up to sign the register form, but me and Frank walk up to the Professor and explain our situation. "I was unaware that your kind have individual powers." "We have multiple." I answer. "Very well. Put your name on the form and pick a random animal so that no one gets suspicious. We do as we are told. As I'm signing the form, after Frank I glance at the list.
Luna- Hare
Draco- Hyena
Ron- Dog
Hermione- Owl
Harry- Stag
Leo- Bearded- dragon
Piper- Dove
Jason- Eagle
Hazel- Badger
Nico - Panther
Thalia- Wolf
Frank- Bulldog
Me- Horse
And so on. I guess Leo realises he couldn't be a proper dragon. Once we signed the form, we were transitioned. Of course me and Frank just pretended to be in pain and then turned.
After class I stayed behind a bit to thank the headmistress . When I was walking out I almost ran down Harry Potter. "Sorry" I said. "Watch were your going! Did Annabeth dump you because your so freaking clumsy, is that it?" I froze and turned so fast he didn't even see it.
Harry POV
When Jackson froze I knew I struck a nerve. Ha! But I wasn't laughing long. He turned so fast he was a blur. He had me pinned to the wall in milliseconds. "I don't know where you heard that name, nor do I care. But if you EVER mention her again I will rip you into pieces. Understood?" I nodded. He stalked off down the corridor. His friends were already gone not having seen anything. Man he was scary. But it did the trick. Annabeth is obviously a sore subject. Bad breakup indeed. Hmmm... I wonder how I can use her without him killing me. Ha! Good one Harry, like he could ever kill you.

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