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"YOU KNEW ABOUT THIS!" I yelled at Hermione. I was so pissed. She had been lying to me for years. I thought we were closer than that. "We were already in so much danger. If id told you it would've been worse." She explained calmly. Damn! Even with a guy yelling at her she stays levelheaded. My anger subsided."Sorry, its just...a LOT." I explain.
Hermione, Luna, Neville, the Americans and I were all sitting by the lake. They hadnt gotten very far with their story. All I got was that demigods exist.
Before Percy could continue, put popped Malfoy. "Weasley,find yourself a new family? Didnt think yours was big enough. Scrounging money?" I jumped up to sock him but Hermione stopped me. "WHAT!!" Why is she stopping me. "Draco, we're telling him the truth. All of it." Hazel said.
Suddenly Malfoy completely changed right before me. He relaxed, his sneer gone, he slouched over and jumped onto the ground beside Percy. "Wait! You're one too?" Honestly this couldnt get any weirder. "Yeah. Its a long story. But im sorry for everything these past years. Had to keep up appearances." He looked sincere. I dont know though. Ill give him a chance. If Hermione knows him as well as she seems then I trust her.
"We aren't going to give you the whole adventure bevause that'll take too long,but we will answer any questions you have." Percy said.
Where to begin?
"Are you guys the only demigods in Hogwarts?" I looked to Hermione and the others.
"There's Seamus Finnigan but thats it. Lavender Brown was but... Well... You know." Neville trailed off.
Ok. So the only two girlfriends ive had have both been demigods. Hmm.
"I know the Greek gods. Mum use to read us stories. Who are your parents and do you have any powers?" Powers! Why hadnt I thought of that sooner.
"Im a daughter of Aphrodite. So was Lavender. I can Charmspeak, which basically means I can make people do what I say." Sounds like the Imperious curse. Piper got a bit scarier. "Im a son of Hephaeatus and I can do this." Suddenly Leos hand erupted in flames. It engulfed him and ran over is body like a wave. I stared in shock. He smirked,seemingly satisfied woth my reaction. "Im a son of Jupiter and I can control lightning and winds but flying might draw quite a hit of attention so ill show you later." Jason's like a blonde superman then. Dean Thomas explained superheroes to me Last year. "Im a daughter of Pluto and I can control the earth and the mist." As hazel spoke, serpents started coming out of her hair, but when I blinked they vanished. That must be the mist. "Im a son of Mars. I can shapeshift into any animal but thats because Im descended from Poseidon." Ha! That means his animegus is fake. Genius. I never would've guessed. "Im a son of Hades and I can raise the dead." That makes complete sense not going to lie. Nico WOULD be related to Hades. "Im a daughter of Zeus. Me and Jason are siblings and basically have the same dad. I can control lightning and air like him, but I DONT fly." fear of heights. Its quote obvious. I get it though, I hate them too. So hazel, frank and Jason are Roman and the others are Greek. I looked at Percy.
"Im a son of Poseidon and I can do a lot of things." I waited for him to elaborate but he didnt.
"Wow! Your group has almost has a child of each major God! I figured one of you would be a child of Athena. You-know, the brains. Did you ever meet one?" I realised my mistake as soon as I mentioned Athena but it was too late. Everyone glanced at Percy nervously. Hermione looked sad. And Percy looked downright murderous. His face had darkened completely. But as soon as it came it was gone. He calmed. "Yes, a long time ago." I didn't expect anyone to elaborate on that either. "Im a son of Hermes and so is Seamus by the way." "Im a son of Demeter." That explains the Herbology. "Im a daughter of Dionysus." "Daughter of Athena." Maybe id mistaken Percys look. Maybe he was joking because there was a child of Athena right here. My own girlfriend. Hermione being Athenas kid makes so much sense I dont know how I didnt guess.
All I know is that im glad im not in the dark anymore. Harry won't be happy if he ever Finds out. But im not going to be the one to tell him.

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