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Kellie POV
The Triwizard tournament, known for its dangers. HA! They have no idea. Sometimes plans need to be changed. Sometimes tournaments end badly. Sometimes accidents happen.
Nothing to be done.
That old centaur is going to be sorry he EVER decided to mess up my plans.
Ive missed Percy. Ive been dreaming of him. Of tasting his blood on my teeth. Once the boy falls.
So will the rest of the demigods. And who knows.
Maybe the wizards are attached enough that they'll try to fight too.
Good luck to them.
Percy POV
Its final task day. Apparently this year they've decided to broadcast the whole thing to the school.
I get to go in first because ive been first in the other challenges.
Of course Im not 100% sure what im 'going in to' yet.
"Good luck Perce!" Yelled Nico.
'Go Percy' banners were flung all round the stands.
Me, Gabrielle and Dimitri were stood in front of a huge hedge thing. A maze possibly.
Dont be so surprised,
ive seen the maze runner.
"Welcome to the final task of the 70th something Triwizard Tournament. We've kind of lost count but you get the idea. Champions, you must make your way through the maze and locate the Triwizard trophy. The Trophy is a port key which will transport you back here. But be warned, the maze holds many surprises. You will enter at 30 second intervals. Mr Jackson, you shall go first on the horn."
And so I waited.
An opening appeared in the hedge directly in front of me.
The horn blew.
The maze was dark and smelt...green. Vines were strung all over the ground making it very easy to trip. Of course with years of demigod training Ive become quite agile and managed to to avoid falling even while running around at top speed. All of a sudden i got an idea.
This would be a lot easier as an animal. I knew that everyone could see what i was doing on the huge screen broadcasting what was going on through magic. But who cares.
Won't be too hard to explain away.
I felt my bones dislocating and piping into different positions i felt my toes curl into paws. A giant wolf will make me a lot quicker. The first time I transformed is was extremely painful. Dad explained it as because Frank got his powers through blood its apart of his being. But mine came straight from the gods which is why I dont just change shape. My thoughts become more edged. Foggy almost. I BECOME the things I change in too. I almost ate a camper the first time I changed. Needless to say the poor guy was scared shitless. Thank god Thalia had stopped me with an arrow to the leg.
I picked up my pace.
Time moved strangely. I may have been in there for hours, or minutes.
I turned a corner, and was surprised to see Gabrielle struggling with some vines. Except the more she moved, the tighter they got. Devils snare.
I could've used my wand but I was already a wolf. I ran at her which made her scream. But instead of eating her, which I admit some part of me wanted to. I ripped off the vine. She looked terrified. I grabbed the back of her shirt with me teeth and dragged her to her feet. I ran off.
After a while, I started to see a light up ahead. I appeared in a clearing with a bright red cup in the middle, except it looked off. Something smelled off too.
Gabrielle appeared on the other sign of the clearing, distracting me, and froze when she saw me.
I changed back to human.
Still slightly shocked, She nodded.
I still couldnt get my head around what was wrong. We stood infront of the trophy. I took her hand.
She nods
" 3."
I was too late.
She grabbed it as soon as she said one.
She hadnt seen it. She hadnt SMELT it. Id been too far before for even my wolf nose to pick it up.
The trophy wasnt red.
It was white.
It was covered in blood.
But I was too late.
Im always too late.

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