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Harry POV
Time for Quidditch!! I woke up really early and woke Ron up to. "Ron! Come on! Get up! We need to have a good breakfast before tryouts!" After a lot of shoving I managed to get Ron out of bed. Literally. He fell on the floor with a grunt. Leo, Nico and Jackson's beds were all empty. Wonder why they got up so early. Ah well who gives a crap. There arw more important things to think about. Quidditch for example. I already have a guaranteed spot as does Ginny since she is my Vice Captain. Ron basically has a spot too.
We scared down breakfast as quick as we could and rushed to the pitch. And to my surprise, there was Jackson with a broom. Thats cute. He thinks there is a spot on MY team for him.
Jason POV
Frank and I got up last in our dorm. We met up with the girls and had a small breakfast then went to watch the tryouts. Apparently the new head of Gryffindor House, Professor Lupin, gets to review the team Harry picks to make sure it is correct. This is the first year this has happened. My guess is he saw the vibe between Harry an Percy and knew it wouldnt be a fair tryout.
The stands were packed. It seems the whole school came to watch. Including the visiting schools. The giant headmistress of the girls school and the headmaster from the boys school were politely chatting in the stands.
Percy POV
Leo, Nico and I seemed to have attracted a crowd. The stands around the edge of the pitch were packed. Cant let it distract me from my distraction. Aha distracting from the distraction. Thats weird. HAHAHA! Focus! Right.
Harry and Ginny had us fly up and own the pitch as a quick warm up and then split us in to two teams. Leo and Nico had decided to go up for Beaters and I decides to tryout for a Chaser. Luckily Harry put us all on thw same team. It was Ginny, Dean and Seamus as chasers, two guys I dont know as beaters and Ron as Keeper vs Me, Leo and Nico. Yh, thats right. Harry didnt give us a Keeper or another two chasers. "Harry, what are you doing?" Ron yelled. "I just want to see how they work under pressure." Harry yelled back, directing a smirk at me.
Fine! If thats how he wants to play then lets go!
Lupin looked unimpressed by Harry's actions and the crowd looked confused.
Harry threw the Quable, ball thing in the air to begin. Of course, he threw it just slightly in Ginny's directions. She started to move to the post. I decided to play keeper for a second. She lobbed the ball to the ring. I grabbed it and startes flying to thw other side of the pitch. In the corner of my eye i saw Nico whack a bludger, I can remember that one, to the other beater and knocked him down. Meanwhile Leo was hitting a blusher towards Ron to distract him. I dodged Dean. Then Seamus. Then Ginny. I spun under a bludger that had been hit in my direction and races towards the goal. I tossed the ball thing straight at Ron. The idiot tried to catch it. It shoves him straight through the hoop, with the ball still in his hand.
The rest of the game went exactly like this. Leo and Nico hitting bludger away from me while save, dodge and score.
Harry look really pissed off.
Hermione POV
Watching Percy play 1 v 3 against the chasers shocked me. His reflexes were insane. Ginny's team didnt get one goal. Poor Ronald didnt save one goal. But to be fair a shot from Percy is like a cannonball being shot out of a canon. Harry won't be happy.
Harry POV
Why does he have to be so good at EVERYTHING! I mean seriously! I had no choice then to put Percy on the team. Not with him being THAT good and with Lupin watching my choice. In the end I announced that the team was.




Though honestly, we probably could have played with just Percy as a chaser. But ill never admit that.

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