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Pipers POV

It started off as just a normal day  at camp, well as normal as it ever was after the war. Jason and I were sitting on the beach. We weren't speaking but I knew we were thinking about the same thing, Percy. I don't know if he will ever be the same again. I remember the first time I met him. It had been after Leo blew up most of New Rome. Even though it was under bad circumstances, he still managed to smile most of the time. Well... It  has been two weeks since the Giant War and I haven't seen him smile once. He goes around camp like everyone else. He helps rebuild the cabins like everyone else. But there is something missing. The light in him has faded, if not gone completely. I turned to look at Jason. "Thinking about Percy?" I asked him. "Who isn't?" I knew seeing Percy like this killed him because it was doing the same to me. Even though I had only known Percy for a short amount of time, I still considered him one of my best friends. Annabeth's death hit us all hard, but never in my life have I seen anyone as broken as Percy. He acts strong for the camp, but everyone knows he's faking. "I miss the old him." I tell Jason. "Me too, Pipes. Me too."
I could hear the distant sound if running against the sand, it was confirmed when I spotted Nico coming up the hill.
"Guys. Chiron wants you at the Big House. He didnt say why, only to hurry. Come on!" It didn't sound good.
When we got to the Big House, we made our way to the Rec-Room. It was nothing special, just a ping pong table and some chairs. Chiron, Frank, Hazel, Leo and Thalia were already there. "We are just waiting for one more... There you are Percy, now, take a seat." Jason, Nico and I moved out of the way to see Percy standing at the door. Instead of saying anything he just nodded his head and took his seat at the top of the table beside Chiron. Jason and I sat down beside Leo, while Nico went to the other side of the table to sit beside Hazel.
"Now... I really hate to ask you of this but I need you to do it. I have a friend over in England called Minerva Mcgonagall. She runs a school for wizards and witches in Scotland. This school just got out of a war at the end of June. There was this dark wizard called Voldemort who tried to take over the wizarding world, a boy called Harry Potter stopped him. Now... Mcgonagall has asked me to send over my best heroes to watch over Harry and make sure he doesn't get to big headed. I know this is a huge request but I really need this favour. So, will you do it?"
I looked around the room. Nobody seemed to want to answer so I decided to make life easier for Chiron.
"Sounds like fun!"
Jason caught on and replied,"Im in!"
"Yeah, me too!" Replied Leo.
There was a lot of head nodding and agreements from every seat at the table, well, almost every seat. Everyone looked at Percy, who bore a blank expression.
"I'll go, but only because Annabeth would have jumped at the opportunity."
"Good. Now, you will be staying at a wizard bed and breakfast called the Leaky Couldren until September 1st. All of the teachers know of your parentage so they will answer any questions you have. Magic does not effect you the same way it does wizards so try not to get hit by any spells. Oh and last but not least, have fun."
So it was official.
We were going to London.

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