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Narrator's P.O.V

The blonde slowly regained consciousness while her eyes, which slowly opened, tried to get used to the bright light coming from the lamp.
Her eyes scanned the room she was in and she noticed that she wasn't home.
Then she realized that she was in the guild's infirmary.
After all, she had been here often enough, be it for herself or to visit her guild members after having so many battles.
// At least I'm still alive ... // she thought to herself and tried to sit up but stopped as she had to stifle a scream full of pain.
So she laid down again, feeling powerless und exhausted.
Minutes passed and she was getting fed up with waiting for someone to come.
The door finally opened, but the one who entered wasn't exactly someone Lucy wanted to see at the moment.
"Natsu.." she muttered, immediately looking away in embarrassment as she remembered what happened between them before she left.
"Lucy!You're awake! I was so worried, do you know that?" the pink-haired man said and quickly rushed to her, took her hands in his warm ones and looked at her worriedly.
"Do you feel any pain?" he asked after he realized that she didn't want to look him in the eye.
"How long was I passed out?" she asked instead of answering him.
"One week. Wendy healed you every day" he told her.

She just nodded, still not giving him a single look.
When the mattress sank a little more, she knew that he had sat down next to her.
"Are you still in pain?" he asked again.
"A-a little.." she stuttered.
"Just a little?" he asked, squeezing her hands a little tighter, making her groan in pain.
"Why did you lie to me?" it shot out of him.
"It's normal for me to be in pain"'she simply said.
"You wouldn't be in pain if you hadn't gone on this job alone" he argued.
"I wasn't alone" she insisted.
"Your Haru can't even protect a fly. He was with you and didn't help you. Useless" he growled and you could see his sharp teeth chattering in anger.
"Stop." she said.
"I was never of much help either when I was on missions with you back then. Was I useless too?" she added and finally looked him in his eyes that stared at her from the very beginning until now.
It didn't take him long to answer.
"You have been just as helpful as everyone of us, Lucy. Even if you didn't always fought like we did, you always pushed us forward with your plans and strategies. You are strong and I always knew that. That's why I wanted to you in my team" he explained and looked her even more intensely in her brown orbs.
Blood shot in her cheeks as she listened to his words and, as always, her heart began to beat faster.
Why did she have to feel that way towards him?
Natsu didn't feel the same as she did, she just wanted to stop falling in love with him already.
She didn't know what to say, wanting to change the subject quickly.
"Where's Haru?" she asked quickly as she removed her hands from his, which Natsu didn't particularly like.
"The bastard left your reward here and hasn't been here for a week. It's better that way." Natsu hissed and crossed his arms.
"He must feel so guilty..." Lucy muttered in worry.
"As he should." Natsu interfered.
"Natsu!" she scolded immediately.

To her surprise, Natsu said nothing and just continued to stare at her, making her feel more embarrassed than before.
"W-what?" she stuttered and blushed again.
Without saying another word, Natsu came closer to her and wrapped his strong arms around her petite waist, pulled her closer to him while he buried his face into the crook of her neck as he inhaled her scent deeply.
He couldn't get enough of her scent.
Or her soft skin that felt so good pressing against him.
Whenever he was so close to her, his feelings of having to protect her just rose higher and higher and his fast pounding heart did not help him to reduce his overprotectiveness.
To make sure he didn't hurt her, he neither hugged her too tight, nor too light.
Lucy couldn't help the warm feeling that was developing in her whole body, feeling so safe and protected in his arms.
He was incredibly warm.
One more reason to love him, she thought.

„Never worry me like this again." he whispered, sending shivers down her spine.
It was like he was kissing her neck when he moved his lips on her skin like that.
Lucy bit her lip and didn't say anything.
Instead, she wrapped her bandaged arms around his neck and she realized that he was basically on top of her since she was still laying down on the bed.
For some reason she didn't mind though, nor did she want to push him away.

Natsu's P.O.V

(Freaky time)

She smells so freaking good.
My mouth began watering as I smelled her even more.
My head was pressing further down her neck and I felt how my sharp fangs started growing a bit.
Igneel told me that when I found my perfect mate, that my fangs would be growing a bit when I felt ready to mark her.
But how can I mark her as mine without her permission?
She did say she loved me...does it mean she wouldn't mind?
Either way...I think I am losing control.
I can't help it.
I swallowed hard and brushed her blonde hair away, giving myself more access to her flawless porcelain neck.
I bit my lip, trying to control myself.
But it didn't work.
My lips automatically started to brush against her soft skin, leaving many wet kisses until I found the perfect spot.
„N-natsu..?" she gasped and gripped my shoulders.
Her voice really...turned me on.
I'm a guy, of course I felt horny sometimes.
But I was never this horny before.
Hell, I never even felt the need to be with anyone until now.
I want her.
I want Lucy so bad.

I started sucking on that spot on her neck, realizing that she not only smelled good, she tasted even better.
Pressing her harder against the mattress I also began to mount over her while sucking deeper into her skin, making the spot wet enough for me to bite into later.
„N-Na..." she moaned and scratched my neck lightly.
If she continues, I'll completely lose control.
Who am I kidding...? I already lost control.
But she seemed to enjoy it too...
I moved my head to her lower jaw and started sucking and licking her there.
In the corner of my eye I noticed that I had left a deep red bruise on the spot I sucked earlier.
For some reason I wanted to give her more spots like this before marking her.
After a while of sucking on her neck and enjoying the sounds she made, I let go of her, only a thread of saliva still connected me to her.
Then I looked into her big brown eyes that were partly opened as she tried to keep her heavy breathing in control.
„Lucy...can I bite you?" I growled huskily.
She blushed.
„Wh-why..?" she asked while stuttering.
I can't explain it now, I need to mark her now.
Without answering her I jerked back to my favorite spot on her neck and started sucking it again, making her squirm and grip onto me tighter than before.
I slowly opened my mouth wider, first nibbling lightly on her moistened skin to better prepare her for what would come next.
"Mhhh..." she gasped with her beautiful voice and scratched my neck seductively.
I growled in arousement, feeling how I got harder down there.
I couldn't wait any longer.
I locked her hand in mine and took a deep bite into her neck.
She gasped and let out a low scream, tightening the grip on my hand and on my shoulder.
Blood flowed down, but I licked everything up.
She is mine now.
She belongs to me and me alone.
After she calmed down a bit, I released her throat and hugged her tighter than before.

„N-Natsu...Wh..what was...that..?" she stuttered, still in shock.
It was my turn to blush now.
„I...I....I...bit you..?" I was unsure of what to say to her.
„But why..?" she questioned.
„This....uhm...friends shouldn't do this.." she flushed, acting like I didn't know that.
„I know" I said.
„I marked you" I added.
„Marked?" she repeated after me.
„You''re mine now" I stated, pushing her head deeper into my chest since I didn't want her to see my flushed face.


She's his now :}
I think next chapter will be the last one.
I was planning on publishing a new story after this story here ends!
Other than that, there's still my On-going fanfic „Forced Marriage" too, so..;)

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