Keys and Lilies

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Natsu's P.O.V

What could I get for Lucy? I don't even know what she likes except maybe for earrings and shoes and all that girls things.
I guess I'll just look around in the city, maybe I'll find something nice for her.
I walked into many jewelry and clothes shops but I didn't find anything appealing.
At least, I didn't find anything that I would love to see on her.
Hmmmm......wait! I could buy her a silver key?
They're pretty expensive but that's what she'd like the most, right?
I knew there was a magic item shop somewhere because Lucy told be about it.
After 15 minutes I finally found it and entered the shop and was greeted by some old lady.
„Oh hello! What can I do for you, Sir?" she asked me.
„Do you have any celestial silver keys?" I asked straightforwardly and she looked startled at first but then answered my question.
„Of course! Follow me" she said and led me to the corner of the shop where 6 silvered keys laid on a shrine or whatever it was.
„Do you want any specific kind of key or-" I interrupted her.
„I don't know those star signs, can you tell me what spirits they are and what each of them can do?" I asked and stared at the shiny silver.
„Oh uhm, sure!" she smiled politely but a little confused.

„This one is named Draco, the dragon. Legends say that he is able to spy fire and gets bigger as the holder gets stronger. He is also able to change colors to the Holders liking. He can shrink and get bigger but this also depends on the Mages power. He's a perfect spirit to have  in battle and he can transport you wherever you want to go" she explained and pointed her finger at the first silver key.
On the grip you could see a red dragon crawling to the top.
I already liked this one. Dragons are the coolest! And if Lucy had him she could also use her Star dress ability with him!! And she could have dragon powers!! How cool is that??

„Can you describe the other keys a little quicker??" I asked in excitement.
I really wanted the dragon key but I should hear the other versions as well.
„This is Vulpecula, the Fox: He can spy around and bring you any kind of information you need to have about any person you want.
This is Serpens, the snake: She can be useful in battle due to her ability to hypnotize or choke people to death or to get them unconsciousness.
This is Lupus, the wolf: He is a very loyal and determined spirit. He will help you to see in darkness and he will fight for you with all his might. Legends say that he can also control Water if the Mage is powerful enough.
This is Ursa Major, the big bear: She's sweet at heart but can be a big help for you in battle as well since her strength is immense and could be compared to Taurus, the Bull.
This is the last one, Lacerta, the lizard: He's quick and can change his size whenever he wants to, just like the fox, he can spy and give you various information. He is also able to control Fire if the Mage is powerful enough" she explained.
They seem all pretty cool but I can't help it and feel more attracted to the dragon key.
Maybe I'll buy her the other keys next time.

„I want the Dragon Key" I said grinning.
„Very well!" she smiled and took the key out, leading me to the cash register.
„I don't want to be meddlesome but you don't seem like a celestial mage to me, are you?" she asked as she wrapped up the key in a red little box.
„I'm not, I'm a Fire Dragon slayer! I'm buying this key for my best friend" I told her and showed her my guild mark.
„Fairy Tail, huh? A very loud guild, I must say. You're very kind to buy such an expensive gift to your best friend. He must be happy to have you as a friend" she smiled.
Wait, he?
„It's not a ‚he', she's a girl...and...well, you see, I had an argument with her and she thinks I don't care about her, so I thought it might be a good idea to buy her something that she'd like" I scratched my neck.
„Oh, don't tell me you're talking about Lucy Heartfilia! I heard about her abilities and I also read her book, she is such a strong and smart girl! Any guy who gets her would be lucky, am I right?" she winked at me in the end.
Weird lady.
„Yes, she's really strong. At first I thought that Celestial spirits are only there to joke around with them but Lucy proved to me that they're also capable of fighting and do other cool stuff. She trained much when I was not here and her magic power had increased so much. I'm really proud of her" I told her and grinned.
Lucy really changed a lot since I first met her.
She's still weird but she can take care of herself much more and she gets stronger by day.
It makes me feel relieved because I don't have to worry that much about her safety anymore.
Something inside me just can't stop protecting her, no matter what small thing it might be.
Even if she'd be as strong as Gildarts, I could never NOT want to save her.
I don't know why.
„I'm sure she would feel very happy if she heard how you talk about her" the old lady smiled at me and gave me the box.
„How much does it cost by the way?" I asked and prepared myself for a large sum.
„Actually Draco costs 60.000 jewels. But since you're a Mage of Fairy Tail and want to buy the key as a gift for Lucy Heartfilia, I will give it to you for free" she smiled.
„Really???!! You're the best, Granny!" I yelled happily.
„Goodbye, my boy!" she smiled as I walked out of the shop.

I walked all the way back through the city and saw a flower shop.
Doesn't Lucy like flowers? And she always reads books where the guy gives the girl flowers.
I'll just buy her some and go to her apartment then!

20 minutes later

Narrator's P.O.V

Natsu finally reached the apartment of the Blonde and he knew she was also back since he could smell her.
He climbed up the window and made sure not to drop the flowers and the key.
He should call himself lucky that her window was wide open.
Without a second thought he jumped into her room and already saw her at her desk, probably writing on her next story she wanted to publish soon.

„Lucy!" he called out for her and she shrieked like a little kid.
He laughed.
„Natsu! What are you doing here?! I though i made myself clear earlier! And why are you always coming through the window?!" she yelled already.
Instead of answering her, he held the flowers out.
They were beautiful pink and white lilies.
Lucy was in shock, in good shock.
You could tell by how much she blushed and stuttered, unable to find any words.
„I didn't want to make you mad today. I don't want to fight with you. I care a lot about you, Lucy and I'm sorry for not taking you serious earlier" Natsu said nervously and scratched his neck, also blushing slightly.
He has never apologized like this before and it was kinda embarrassing for him.
Lucy quietly took the flowers and looked at them closely.
Lilies were her favorite flowers and he even got them in pink, her favorite color.
She smiled at him with all her might and he smiled back, relieved that she wasn't mad anymore.
The Blonde laid the flowers down on her desk, came closer to the Dragon Slayer and finally hugged him as she put her arms around his neck.
Natsu was unable to move at first.
Sure, they had hugged quiet a lot of times already but it was never like..this?
She never touched his neck like that and he had to admit, he liked it way better than when she put her arms around his waist only.
He was actually happy that he forgot his scarf back at his house. Otherwise he wouldn't feel her hands moving on his neck like that, pulling him closer to her.
She unintentionally pressed her chest against his gut and rested her head on his chest.
He gulped.
If he had a weak spot, it would definitely be Lucy, especially when she touched him like this.
He wasn't that dense, of course he knew what kind of things men and women could do with each other and he would lie if he said he didn't imagine to do those things with his Blonde partner.
But he simply knew that she didn't feel the same way about him, so he'd rather keep the relationship they have now rather than risking anything they've build up until now.
They will be together forever anyways, he thought.
She wouldn't leave him and he wouldn't leave her, never.

And with this thought, he slowly began to pull her closer by resting his hands on her hips.


Funny how Natsu gets an 60.000 jewels key for free because he's such a sweetheart but  Lucy couldn't even go down for 2000 jewels when she bought Plue lmaooo sorryyyyy luuuu

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