The Promise

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Well, I started Highschool which is why I won't be able to update as much as I did before, I hope you understand.


Narrator's P.O.V

„It's me, Haru, don't you remember?" the stranger said and came one step closer, just to be pushed back by Natsu.
„Stop right there" Natsu growled at him in a threatening tone.
Lucy was unsure what to do.
That guy obviously knew her...and if she had to be honest, he kinda looked familiar as well.
„I'm not trying anything weird, I promise! It's just...Lucy and I...we've known each other for years now" the guy explained and Lucy looked up.
She stepped forward, leaving Natsu behind her.
She didn't notice the extremely mad look he drilled into her back.
„Are you...a friend from my father, perhaps?" she asked.
„Maybe you'll remember when I tell you my name? Haru? Haru Light" he introduced himself with a warm smile.
The blonde remembered immediately.
He was her first and only friend, but their friendship didn't last long.
Still, because of him her life in the mansion wasn't too boring even when he just disappeared after her mother died.
She always saw him on special occasions after that but nothing more.
„Haru? Haru! How come I didn't recognize you!" Lucy laughed.
Haru looked relieved.
„I'm so glad you remember! For a second I thought I'm the only one who still cherishes our time together back then" he smiled.
„Of course not, you were my first friend. How could I forget you? But I must say, you look really different now" Lucy said and both of them laughed.

They began to talk about various things, completely forgetting Natsu who was just listening to them quietly as he watched every movement of Haru.
Something about Haru made Natsu's blood boil.
Of course Natsu knew why, he already accepted his feelings.
But...why is she doing this now?

Natsu's P.O.V

Who the hell does he think he is?
Can he even use magic? I bet even Happy could defeat him.
How can Lucy even accept to be his friend? It's too embarrassing for a Fairy Tail mage to be with someone like HIM.
I could take him down in less than 10 seconds.
He looks and seems so utterly weak.
What a loser.
Hmph, and she still talks to him.
She must feel bad for him, that's why she wants to be friends with him again.

I didn't notice how my entire body began to heat up as I watched them.

We promised each other.
We promised that we'd be together forever.
Why is talking to another guy?
It's not like she has permission to do that.
She...promised me.
Didn't she say that Celestial Mages never break their promises?
After our promise it should be clear that she's not allowed to be or talk with other guys.
It's easy to understand that she can't do anything with another guy when we said we're gonna be together forever.

Every time when she would get hit on, I would ward those bastards off with my fire.
But now she's talking to a...friend.
How can I feel envious? Or jealous?
I'm 10.000x better than him.
I'm more famous, stronger and...stronger.

„Haru, come one! Let's get you to Fairy Tail" Lucy said suddenly.
I stared at her in shock.
„Natsu! Haru is gonna join Fairy Tail! Isn't that cool?!" she smiled happily and ran off with him.
I stayed behind and watched them as they began to walk further apart from me.

„Yeah, great..." I whispered and decided to ran after them.

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