Together Forever

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Lucy's P.O.V

It's been 2 weeks after Natsu said that „I'm his", a week ago I was finally fully healed and was allowed to go home.
When Natsu said and did those things to me in the infirmary, I thought for sure that we were gonna be together...but we're not.
At least, it doesn't seem like that to me.
I read about his „marking" stuff in a book about Dragon Slayer because I seriously didn't get it and after I read it I felt so happy, knowing that he marked me because „I'm the one" for him!
But why did our relationship not change?
It's exactly like before, we don't even share kisses, hugs or words of affection.
And we didn't tell anyone either, the whole guild knows nothing about it.
I had to hide the hickeys Natsu gave me with a scarf every day and whenever they asked me why I was wearing that I always had to lie and say that I'm afraid of catching a cold.
Only Wendy could suspect something since she was the one who healed me every day and I know she saw the marks he gave me, seeing her red face and all- but she didn't tell anyone either.

I haven't seen Haru ever since we got back to the guild and I'm really starting to get worried.
I don't want him to feel guilty.
Or what if something happened to him?
I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if anything happened to him, he's my friend after all..

„What are ya thinking about?" a familiar male voice suddenly asked, made me startle in bed and drop my book that I was holding until now.
Knowing who it was, I turned around and as expected, our eyes met.
He grinned at me and picked up the book, put it on my lap and sat cross-legged next to me.
"Natsu, what are you doing here?" I asked after a while he just stared at me.
Honestly, why does he always stare at me so intensely?
"The guild is boring without you, so I wanted to visit you." he answered and smiled innocently at me, butterflies danced in my stomach.
I tried to ignore my feelings and cleared my throat to get back on track.
"Isn't Happy with you?" I asked to change the topic and looked around because Happy apparently really didn't come along which is a very rare thing to happen.
"No, he said he wanted to leave us alone." he scratched the back of his neck.
That damn cat!
"I-I see..." I just mumbled and got up to put my book back on the shelf.
I turned around again and slammed into Natsu's hard chest, he had apparently followed me and stopped right behind me.
Before I could fall, he pulled me back by my waist and pressed me firmly against him.

"N-Natsu ..?" I whispered after a while in which he said nothing and just hugged me.
"Can't we hug?" he muttered against my hair.
His hands had now slipped onto my hips, which he gently pinched.
"Y-yes..." I just put my hands on his chest.
The situation was weird, but i was so happy that he finally took the initiative first.
But I still wanted something to be clarified because he never even told me what he was feeling towards me.
"Natsu?" I said, getting his attention again.
He just grumbled in response.
"I-I...I like you." I said gently but quickly, my face blushed a lot, wondered what he would answer now.
After I confessed, he pushed me away a little but we were still close enough that our faces were only a few inches apart.
I widened my eyes as he moved his right hand and grabbed my chin to make me look at him.
He started moving closer to me, freaking me out.
He can't kiss me yet!
I pushed him away and held my chest, trying to calm my too fast-beating heart down.
„Wh-what?" he stuttered, looking shocked..and a little...disappointed?
„ can't kiss me yet!" I called out and looked away.
„Why?" he shot out quickly.
„Because you didn't tell me if you love me back or not!" I said and crossed my arms as I glared at him.
„I wouldn't want to kiss you if I didn't!" he argued and crossed his arms as well.
„Who knows! You guys would kiss anyone if you felt like it." I pouted as I said that, seeing his face I immediately knew that it upset him.
„I wouldn't kiss just anyone! I know it's only meant for people who like each other." he came closer to me again.
„I want to kiss you because I like you. Satisfied now?" he growled and grabbed my face in both of his rough hands.
Before I could even think of an answer, he pressed his lips awkwardly on mine, expecting me to react as his hands slowly wandered from my cheeks to my waist, pulling me closer to him.

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