A Job without Natsu

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Lucy's P.O.V

It's been 2 days since Natsu spent the night at my apartment and since then he once just quickly came to visit me (well he broke in) and nothing more.
Happy was already back too.
Maybe that's the reason why he didn't stay with me for too long.

I sighed and smashed my head lightly on the Bar.
I could feel Mirajanes worried expression burning into me.
„Is everything alright, Lucy?" she asked me.
„Yeah, my rent for this month is coming up soon which is why I need to go on a job as soon as possible. But I don't know where Natsu is.." I told her.
It was true, I really need money for my rent right now.
Maybe I shouldn't have spent my savings on clothes and cosmetics.
„Oh! Lisanna told me that she, Happy and Natsu went off fishing today to catch up and stuff! Since they didn't spend too much time together recently" she smiled.

Oh wow.
Thanks Mira.
I couldn't stop thinking about what Natsu told me 2 days ago and now this!!
I could throw up.
I hate myself for feeling so envious.
It's not like me at all.
And most importantly, I love Lisanna.
She and I got really close when she came back and she even told me to get close to Natsu and yet here I am, getting jealous over her.
I hate it.

Mira seemed to notice the look on my face and quickly tried to change the topic.
„If you want to go on a job today, you could just go with someone else, right? Or even alone because you're strong enough to handle yourself" she smiled.
I smiled back.
She's right.
I could go with someone else too! Even when me nor Natsu ever went with someone else other than our team.
There's a first time in everything, right?
Besides, I really dislike to be alone so I guess it'll be the best if I just ask someone.

Erza was visiting Jellal.
Juvia wouldn't let me go with Gray and she would not come with me because she's too busy staring at Gray.
Levy was gone on a mission with Jet and Droy.
Wendy was still resting from her last job.

Who the hell should I go with then?!
Suddenly I felt someone touching my shoulder.
I turned around and saw Gajeel looking down at me.
„I heard you wanna go on a Job?" he asked bored.
I nodded.
I never talked that much to Gajeel but I know that Levy loves him so much and they're even together now.
„Then lets go together, I need money as well" he said and dragged me to the mission-wall.
„Are you sure? What about Levy?" I asked.
„If I let her go with those two dudes, then she'll let me go with her best friend" he just said and showed me one Mission.
„What do you think about that?" he asked me and I began to read.

Reward: 200.000 Jewels
Job: Defeat the 3 criminals that are stealing and hurting people in my kingdom since a month.

Didn't sound too bad.
I agreed and we went to Mira to let her know that we were heading off.
She wished us good luck and Gajeel actually came with me to my apartment and waited in my room until I was done packing my things.
„This room smells awfully like Salamander. Just how often is that Bastard here?" Gajeel hissed and sniffed around the air.
„Very often, actually every day. But lately he doesn't come too often" I smiled sadly.
„And that's a bad thing?" he asked.
„Well...no..? But...Never mind! Let's get going!" I said and went out ahead of him, he was following me quietly.

1 day later

Gajeel and I were talking to the Prince of the Kingdom of Ivy right now.
He gave us all information we needed such as where the criminals usually were stealing and at what time.
They were often seen at the market at 10pm so we still have time.


Alright, it's almost 10pm.
We hid and waited for the criminals to appear.
Of course we already made up a plan.
Gajeel would attack them first and when they wouldn't see it coming, I would attack them from behind.
Finally after 10 minutes we saw 3 very suspicious looking guys, all dressed in black and they were obviously planning to invade a jewelry shop.
Before they could do anything, Gajeel jumped in and began to attack them.
They didn't seem too strong since they couldn't even dodge one attack from him.
After 5 minutes Gajeel gave me a sign and I transformed into my Cancer Star Dress.
They didn't see me coming at all and before they could even blink I cut them on several places as I transformed into my Taurus Star dress.
One guy was down, beaten by Gajeel which left us 2 more guys.
With all my strength I kicked one guy in the gut and punched him 5 times on the face before I took my whip to cast „Earth Wave" which sent him flying until he fell hard on the ground.
1 guy left.

I looked at Gajeel and he looked at me, we both nodded.
I transformed into my Leo Star dress and ran towards the guy together with Gajeel.
„Regulus Lucy Kick!" I yelled.
„Iron Dragons Club!" he yelled and we both kicked that guy, also sending him flying until he gave up and laid on ground just like the other two.

We did it!
We high fived each other and called the magic council with Gajeels Lacrima phone.
It was all finished and we immediately went back to the palace.
It wasn't even 11pm! We didn't even need an hour to defeat them!
We got our pay finally and decided to sleep the night at an hotel.

„You know, you're really strong for a cheerleader" Gajeel said as we walked through the hallway to our rooms.
„Well, I'll take that as a compliment!" I smiled at him and he actually smiled back!
„No wonder Salamander has a thing for you, Gihi" he laughed.
I blushed madly.
„He doesn't!" I yelled. I only wish.
„Alright, good night to you then, Bunny girl" he said grinning while he walked into his room.

I guess all Dragon slayers are jerks!

Natsu's P.O.V

I can't believe she went out on a job with him!
And not with me!
How could she do that!? We're a freaking team!
The worst thing is that I could smell this Bastards scent in her room! Why was he even here?! Did she let him in?! Just like that?!
I was about to explode.
I kicked everything near me.
Every stone, tree, bush, walls.
What am I feeling right now?!
It burns inside of me.
I never burn inside! I make things burn but not myself!
It even hurt.
A lot.
Why didn't she just ask me? Why with that god damn Metal face?!
He didn't deserve to go on a job with her!
How could she just...go with him..?? Together! For over a day now?! What the hell were they doing together?! Did they share a room..?!
Even after I bought her flowers and a key!
I'll beat him up for GOOD when he comes back!


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