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Enjoy !

Lucy's P.O.V

Gajeel and I finally went home again and he actually agreed to go with the train which made me beyond happy.
Just as I stepped into the train, a guy pushed me aside and ran out of the train.
I looked after him but he soon vanished in the crowd.
I shook my head and got into the train, Gajeel following me.

„What was his problem?" I heard him mumble behind me.
„No idea" I answered and we sat down.

4 hours later

We were finally back in Magnolia and I was so happy and proud of myself.
This was the first time I actually got to fight on my own without anyone (well, Natsu) interrupting my fight.
And I won too!
It was fun going with Gajeel on a mission, I will make sure to ask him to go on a mission with me again someday!
And the best thing is, I have 100.000 jewels! Enough for my rent! And I even got 30.000 jewels just for myself!
AND we didn't have to pay any repair because nothing got destroyed this time!
Whenever I'm with Natsu or with the others on a job, we never get the full pay because they always go overboard, especially Natsu.
I'm surprised that Gajeel knows how to control himself though.
I kinda get now why Levy loves him so much.
Not that I love him now!
Before I just saw him as a scary guildmate but now I see him differently.
He's a nice, strong and genuine person.
I'm happy that Levy has him.

„I'm going back to the guild, wanna come with me?" he asked when we got out of the train, still recovering from his motion sickness.
„I'm coming later. First, I need to fresh up!" I grinned.
„Typical girls" he just said and went on his way.
„I heard that!" I yelled after him and he just waved back.

After 20 minutes I finally reached my apartment and took a quick shower.
When I was finished I brushed my hair and dried it with a hair dryer.
Of course I did everything else like brushing my teeth, moisturizing my skin and applying a little make up.
I pulled my hair up to a bun this time, not my regular ponytail.
Then I put on some pink comfortable shorts and a white loose top.
I also decided to put on my heart earrings and before I went to the guild I laid down on my bed, reading my favorite book.

After about 30 minutes I put the book under my pillow again and reached for my keys and sandals.
I was ready to go!

At the guild

I arrived at the guild door and I immediately heard how loud it was.
But it wasn't a normal „loud".
The others were screaming Natsus name in terror.
What the hell?!
I opened the door and was shocked what I saw there.
Natsu was beating the hell out of Gajeel, not even holding back once!
My hands moved to my mouth as I looked at him in terror.
Erza and Gray were trying to hold him back but he pushed them away, causing them to collide on the wall.
Somehow Laxus managed to rip Gajeel out of Natsu's grip and send him to the infirmary together with Wendy and Levy.
Erza and Gray stood up again and before Natsu could do anything else they began to tie him up.
He was now in literal chains connected to the guilds bar and still shouting like crazy.
„I WILL FUCKING KILL HIM" Natsu yelled multiple times and struggled to get out of the chains.
I had enough.

„Natsu, what the hell happened?!" I asked in disbelief staring at him.
He stopped in his track and stared back at me.
I could see pure anger in his eyes and something else I couldn't define.
„Why were you together with him for 2 days straight?!" he yelled at me.
„Because we went on a job?!" I yelled back, even louder than him.
It seemed to make him more angry than he already was.
„We promised we would be together forever, why are you going with him and not with your Team partner?!" he asked me in the most aggressive tone I've ever heard.
He never spoke to me like that.
„Excuse me?! You were busy doing fun things with other people while I had to pay my rent! I couldn't wait until you were finished! Also, I can do whatever I want! With whoever I want! Just like you can!" the jealousy was speaking out of me.
But it was true.
If he can go have fun with other people, then I can too!
„Then why didn't you tell me that you needed to take a job?! You could have just asked me instead of going with that Bastard!" he shouted.
„First of all, don't call him like that! And secondly, how in the world could I have known where you went to, huh?! I can't smell where you are like you can! I'm not a dog!" I answered.
I saw his eyes narrowing.
Oh no..
„Like a dog? You're telling me that I can't call Gajeel any names but you can insult me!? Tell me how fun it was with him that you have to defend him to that extent!" he yelled as he tried to get out of the chains.
„It was super fun! He actually let me fight on my own! He trusted me enough to defeat those criminals! He didn't interrupt my fight, not even once! We even got the full pay! And he accepted to take the train even with his motion sickness!" I rattled down.
Now jealous AND anger were speaking for me.
„He only let you fight on your own because he doesn't care about you like I do! He wouldn't have cared if you got injured! And the job was easy as hell, of course you two defeated those lame ass so called 'criminals' ! It's not like you could have beat them if they were strong" he said.
He didn't actually say that, didn't he?
I saw him widening his eyes.
„Lucy...I..-" he began to speak but I interrupted him by running out of the guild hall.

He did not just say that I'm weak, right?
No this is not about you, Lucy.
He said Gajeel was weak.
And me.
Who does he think he is?
He can't even beat anyone without borrowing our Magic!
Tears were streaming down my face as I entered my room.


How could I fall in love with him?!


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