Her Jealousy

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Narrator's P.O.V

Lucy was the first one to get off Natsu.
He was rather disappointed but it would be weird if he hugged her again without a reason so he let her.
„I have one more thing for you" he said und held the red box out.
„Natsu, you really didn't have to buy me anything-„ he interrupted her by putting the box in her hand.
„Open it" he grinned.
She sighed but smiled at him and slowly opened the little box.
When she realized what was in there she freaked out, out of happiness of course.
„Oh my god!! Draco is so expensive Natsu!!! I can't accept this!!" she yelled but also looked at the key with such glowing and happy eyes that it made Natsu happy and feel warm inside.
„Yes you can! Summon him!!" Natsu demanded.
Lucy took a deep breath and positioned herself to the right stance, holding the key in front of her.
„Gate of the Dragon, I open thee! Draco!" she called out and you could hear a threatening sound, everything went dark.
Natsu immediately went to shield Lucy with his arms, none of them knew if Draco could be dangerous or not.
Suddenly everything went back to normal and a cute little dragon was laying on the floor, looking at them with big eyes.
„Oh my god!! How cute!!" Lucy squealed and bent herself down to his height level.
„Hey Draco! I'm Lucy! If you don't mind, I'd like to conclude a contract with you. I'll treat you as my friend" she said with high excitement in her voice.
Draco opened his mouth to answer her but he was interrupted by Natsu.
„Hey! Why are you so small?! Get bigger!" he said in a demanding tone.
„I bought you so you could protect her and not be a little puppy for her! She already has Plue for that" he sighed in disappointment.
„Natsu, what the hell?! Stop talking to him like that!" Lucy yelled.
Natsu was indeed not thinking about what he was saying, AGAIN.
He remained quiet after seeing her angry again.

„Hello Lucy, I will always be ready to be summoned for you. And you,..." he turned to Natsu.
„I can change my sizes whenever I want. I knew I was summoned in a rather smaller place, how can a dragon fit in here? You should know that for yourself" he explained while sighing.
Natsu pouted and looked away.
„I'm sorry, Draco. You can go back now, I'm looking forward to summon you again" Lucy smiled and Draco vanished.

After he was gone Lucy turned to Natsu slowly.
He expected to get yelled at again but that didn't happen surprisingly.
She only sighed and put her hand on his shoulder.
„Natsu, please don't talk to my spirits like that again, they're my friends too..." she said.
„Alright, sorry" he apologized but didn't look into her eyes.

In the evening

Natsu decided that he'd stay over at Lucy's place over the night.
He decided, Lucy just went with it because she was too tired to argue with him about it.
She didn't want to ruin the good mood they had right now and she didn't mind that much either.
At least she wasn't lonely for tonight.
Natsu was sitting on the floor while Lucy sat on her bed, both were talking about various things and they seemed to enjoy their time alone a lot.
„I want to marry a nice good looking guy one day and have a family with him, he should be strong and protect me and our children! Living in a big house would be so dreamy too~" Lucy enthused with heart-eyes.
„This remembers me that Lisanna asked me back then if she could be my wife" Natsu laughed, not knowing what kind of feelings he triggered in the Blonde.
„O-ohhh...did she?" Lucy forced herself to smile.
Of course she knew that already since Mira told her when she first joined the guild.
Back then she didn't care about it but now it made her feel really insecure and even, a little jealous.
„Yeah it was pretty fun with her raising Happy. Without her, I wouldn't have been able to raise him. I owe her big actually" he added.

//You never said you owe me when I rewrote your END book even when I almost lost my life for it...// Lucy pouted in her mind but she kept quiet about her inner-storm.
„Actually, everything was so fun back then. Except maybe that Erza forced me to be her student and stuff" he laughed and began to tell her all fun stories they had with each other.
Lucy could only listen half heartedly.
She knew it was wrong for her to feel like that but she just couldn't help and feel excluded.
She was only someone who came into their lives after they've spent their whole childhood and teenage times together.
She was nothing compared to them, she thought.
„When Lisanna died I was really depressed. I felt like it was my fault that my closest friend died. I even made her a grave in front of the place where the sun sets because she really liked it when we were children. When she came back I was so happy and relieved. Mira and Elfman also deserved to have her back again. Everyone did" he smiled.
She didn't know what to say.
// He even made her an extra grave in front of the sunset because she liked it there...// she thought about it.
She couldn't help but imagine the worst scenarios.
What if he's in love with Lisanna?
What if they marry?
What if he doesn't give her that much importance anymore?
What if they won't be even friends anymore?

„Lucy? Is everything alright?" he asked and she realized that she didn't say anything.
„Oh yeah! I'm sorry I'm just a little tired, that's all" she smiled.
He looked at her with concern but then smiled at her.
„Alright, then let's go to sleep" he said and intended to lay down next to her but she shoved him away.
„You're going to sleep on the couch!" she demanded.
„Oh man" he complained.


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