The argument

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Lucy's P.O.V

„Oh hey Natsu! Mind telling me why you're ALWAYS BREAKING INTO MY ROOM?!" I yelled at him.
It was seriously getting on my nerves! He doesn't respect my privacy at all! I always have to be careful when getting out of the bathroom, have to lock myself in when I want to change and heck, I can't even dance whenever I want to just because I fear he might see me!
It's not like he didn't see me naked before (I really don't want to remember that) but still!
And yet, I still loved this idiot like crazy.

„Because it's so fun here" he said while giving me his signature grin, I just sighed.
„Wait where's Happy?" I noticed since usually they're always breaking in together to destroy my stuff and kill the peace.
„He said he wants to help Wendy on her job but I think it's rather because he want to be close to Carla" he laughed.
He notices romances between cats but not when it came to himself or humans in general?!
But wasn't he romantically involved with Lisanna before...?
Wait no, Lisanna told me that they were just close friends, nothing more.

„I'm going to take a little walk outside" I lied.
I don't know either why I lied to him now, I never did.
But somehow I didn't want him to know that I wanted to do something alone such as shopping.
Maybe because I know he'd come with me and destroy everything in the city.
So yeah.

„You rarely wear dresses though. Is it a special walk?!" he asked with sparkling eyes.
„No and don't you dare follow me!" I said as I looked at him with an annoyed expression.
It made me happy that he noticed a little detail about me though- that I don't wear dresses that often.
„Why? It's more fun when we're together, just like you said" he grinned as always and came over to me.
„Let's Go!" he said and tried to drag me out of the door with him but I pulled my arm away from him.
He turned around, looking confused.

I could only look to the ground.
„You have no right to say that, Natsu" I whispered.
He made a confused sound.
„You have no right to say that it's more fun when we're together when you're keeping me out of every event in the guild or god knows what else!" I hissed angrily.
„But I never did that? You're being weird like always, Lucy. Let's just go?" he tilted his head and wanted to grab my wrist again but I made one step backwards.
„I'm fed up, Natsu. You're never taking me serious and always try to change the topic whenever I want to have a serious conversation with you!" I yelled and crossed my arms.
„Because you're always making a problem out of nothing. It's nothing serious unless you got hurt so why do I have to be so serious when all you do is complain about little things that don't even matter?" he asked and I heard a little bit of irritation in his voice as well.
I was speechless.
Did he just say that my problems are irrelevant? Everything I say is insignificant? Everything is meaningless expect getting physically hurt?
„I complain about little things that don't even matter? Excuse me? Who's the one who always takes care of you whenever you get motion sickness!? Me! Who lets you sleep here all the time even though you disrespect my privacy and destroy all my things?! Me! Who cooks for you whenever you complain about being hungry?! Me! I'M the one who listens to every little thing you worry about even though it might be the most stupid thing to me! I still care! Because I respect you and I know that just because I don't feel like it's a big problem, I know that it might be a big problem for you! But as it seems, I'm not even just a little bit important to you." I shouted and my voice went from 100 to 0 at the end since I was trying to hold back my tears.
„Lucy..." he breathed out slowly, out of words.

„You're so selfish, i hate it..." I whispered as I just passed him and went out of the door, leaving him alone in my apartment.

I hate him!
I hate him!
I hate him!
How in the hell could I fell for such a heartless jerk?

30 minutes later

Narrator's P.O.V

Natsu knew that if he stayed any longer she would freak out even more when she came back, so he left the apartment just 10 minutes after Lucy did.
He was still in shock you could say.
It was normal though.
They never had a fight like this and he was sure that he saw a little tear running down her cheek when she went out.
He hated this.
//How did that even happen?// He kept asking himself.
He was feeling more than just down as well since he knew he was the reason why she felt so sad.
Did she hate him now? No, she wouldn't...she's not like that.

Still in thoughts he entered the guild hall and noticed that it was surprisingly quiet.
Everyone was just minding their own business which was a good thing for him now.
He had no mood to fight anyways.
While taking a seat at the bar he asked Mira for a drink and of course she immediately made him his favorite.
„So Natsu, why do you look so down?" Mira asked him, a little bit of worry in her voice.
„I argued with Lucy, she's mad at me now" he answered and took a sip of his drink.
„Ouhhh...well...what exactly happened?" she asked and before Natsu could even answer Cana interrupted him while laughing.
„Oh come on, Natsu! Don't worry! She must have kicked him out of her apartment because he saw her naked or something! Hahahahahaha..!" Cana laughed as she continued to drink her beer like the alcoholic she was.
„No..this time she didn't kick me out. She went out by herself and left me there. And I didn't see her naked" Natsu pouted now.
He didn't want to fight with Lucy.
He...already missed her.
Mira and Cana just looked at each other surprised and then looked at the guy again.
„Do you know why she was mad, Natsu?" Lisanna suddenly asked from behind and sat next to him.
„She said I don't take her problems seriously and then I said they're not serious. Then she got more mad, counted every little thing she does for me, called me selfish and went out" Natsu explained and all 3 girls were facepalming their faces now.

„Natsu, you can't just tell her that her problems aren't serious!" Mira said.
„Everyone would have been mad at you, Natsu..." Cana added.
„She must feel like you don't care about her, you're really dense sometimes, Natsu!" Lisanna scolded and hit him on his shoulder.
„But I care about her a lot..." Natsu murmured.
„We know" Lisanna said.
„Thats why you don't have to tell us that but her instead" she continued.
„Yes, you should make it up to her" Mira said and Cana snapped her fingers.
The 3 of them were looking at her now.
„How about you surprise her? Give her a present. Girls like Lucy like surprises and gifts, don't they?" she suggested.
„That's a great Idea! Thanks a lot you guys!" he grinned happily and ran out of the guild.

„I hope he doesn't screw this up" Lisanna sighed.

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