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Lucy's P.O.V

I stomped angrily into my apartment, making sure to lock the door and jumped on my bed.

When the hell did I start to have those unpleasant feelings?!
I hate feeling envious, yet JEALOUS.
I hated myself for feeling that way.
It's so selfish of me to feel this way when all they do is recalling their wonderful childhood with each other.
But why am I even feeling this way!?
When I first joined the guild I didn't even care for how long they had known each other, I was just happy to be friends with them too.
And now?

I kinda know why I'm like this now.
But I don't want it.
It will literally destroy everything between us and no matter what, I DON'T want to destroy our friendship just because of my stupid feelings.
Why the hell did I have to fall in love with Natsu honestly?!
There are so many other guys that are much more suitable for me but here I am, falling for the most dense person ever that doesn't even know what romance means!
The second reason why I hated myself was definitely this.

I rolled myself back and forth until I finally stopped.
I sighed deeply while I stared at the ceiling, lost in thoughts.
Just remembering why I was home now in the first place, instead of having fun with the others at the guild.

Everyone was planning to throw a big party because of the upcoming anniversary when Fairy Tail was founded.
And guess what?
With everyone I mean everyone BUT Juvia, Gajeel, Carla, Pantherlily and me.
They said we could help out but they would decide what, when and how to do things because „they know what's best".

We were literally sitting alone at one table while EVERYONE else had their fun planning the party at the other side of the guildhall.
The worst thing though, was that Natsu didn't even think about including me in.
He just fought with Gray and had a nice chat with Lisanna, Erza, Cana and Levy afterwards.
Even though he told me that without me it wouldn't be the same, he clearly showed me that he was lying.
Or am I just overreacting? Probably? But still.
He at least could have asked me for my opinion on some things.
But no, nothing.

UGH, I sound so annoying!!!

I'm not the only one Lucy! Not even Juvia feels jealous because of their bond and she's Juvia for god's sake!
You know what.
I'm going out! Shopping is what I need right now.
And the best thing is that I still have much money left from our last mission since it was really high paying.

I hopped into the shower and made myself ready after I finished.

My outfit included a white shirt dress, simple sandals and I actually let my hair out today.
I also decided to put on more make up than I usually did.
I grabbed my bag and was about to step out of the door when I heard something behind me.
I turned around quickly and as I thought, it was Natsu.
Of course I had to forget to lock my window, right?

„Where ya going, Lucy?"


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