A familiar face

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Lucy's P.O.V

It's been 2 days since I've talked to Natsu.
I didn't even go to the guild because I knew he would be there.
But he didn't even try to come to my apartment and apologize...so he didn't feel guilty at all.
What was I expecting?
Loving someone like him could only bring sorrow, right?
Maybe I should start to move on...I know my worth after all.
I don't want a guy that constantly talks about other girls and hangs out with them, I don't want a guy that doesn't respect me or my privacy and I don't want a guy who calls me weak.
Yet my heart still chose him.
It was so unfair.
I should give him back his presents.
The flowers were already ruined but I could still give him back the key.
It made me so happy when he apologized and even gave me something but all of those items don't matter if he still acts like a total jerk.

I finally got up from my bed and went into the bathroom.
I took a shower and did everything else like brushing my teeth and hair, drying my hair and moisturizing my skin.
After I was finished I decided to wear baby blue shorts, a white long-armed crop top, white sandals and I put my hair into a high ponytail with a blue ribbon.
A little bit of make up and soon I was ready to go out again.
I cried too much in these past 2 days, like really.
Natsu shouldn't be able to make me cry this much just because he's an idiot.
I'll just continue to ignore him at the guild.

At the guild

Narrator's P.O.V

Lucy just entered the guild when a certain Dragon slayer almost jumped on her.
He grinned at her but all he got back was silence.
She didn't even look at him.
His joy immediately turned into sadness as he watched her walking away from him.
But he wouldn't give up so easily so he walked after her and sat next to her at the bar.
„Should we go on a job?" he happily asked and hoped she wouldn't turn him down.
She didn't reply and continued at the guilds menu.
Everyone looked over to them, worry was clearly written all over their faces.
„Or...we can go shopping? I know you like shopping" he gave her the biggest smile.
It was obvious that he was trying really hard to talk to her but she wouldn't budge.
Natsu realized she wouldn't talk to him sooner or later so he just sat quietly next to her and watched her drinking a strawberry milkshake.

Suddenly Gajeel approached the Blonde and handed over a pink ribbon.
„I found this in my bag and since Shrimp doesn't wear pink I can only assume that it's yours. I don't even know how it got in there" he explained after she gave him a questioning look.
„Ohh thank you" Lucy laughed and took the ribbon.
Natsu saw how their hands touched slightly and growled at the Metal Dragon slayer.
Both of them weren't really on good terms right now and the fact that he got along with Lucy so well just didn't sit right with him.
He kept asking himself how her stuff got into HIS bag? How close were they? Did they sleep in the same room?
His breathing became uneven.
His knuckles already turned white and Lucy noticed but still decided to continue to ignore him.
He clenched his teeth and grabbed her wrist so forcefully that the glass in her hand fell down and broke into pieces.
Everyone in the guild were staring at them now.
Lucy was trying to get out of his grip but he just took her other wrist and made her look at him.
„Stop ignoring me!" he growled at her.
He had enough.
If she can act friendly with Gajeel in front of him then she can also talk to him.
Lucy just turned her head away which left Natsu widening his eyes.
He was trembling with anger right now and she really tested his patience.
So he got up and violently dragged her with him to the exit but he was stopped by Gray.
„Natsu, calm down. Just leave her alone" the ice mage only tried to help his frenemy by saying that.
He knew that Natsu acted like this because he couldn't control his emotions, or Jealousy in this case.
„Stop interfering! Get out of my way!" Natsu yelled and pushed Gray away with incredible force.

Lucy struggled to get out of his grip but he was too strong.
He never used so much force on her and he most definitely never hurt her intentionally.
He must be super pissed now to act like that.
When they were far away from the guild, almost at the forest, he pinned her to a wall.
She couldn't help but blush, never would she have believed that Natsu was capable of doing something like this.
„Stop ignoring me!" he said once again and she ignored him, once again.
„Please talk to me" he pleaded.
She still did not talk.
„Why are you angry with me? I don't get it, I didn't do anything! You were the one who betrayed your team partner! I should ignore you!" he said.
Well, now he got her angry.
„You didn't do anything? You were the one who was busy with Lisanna and I needed to take a job right away! I didn't know where you two were! Because I didn't want to go alone, Gajeel asked me! Is that so wrong? He's your friend too, isn't he? And it's not like he did something bad to me! He's Levys boyfriend after all! And when we came back you literally beat Gajeel until Wendy had to heal him! Then you yelled at me and told me that I and Gajeel are weak! And you're saying you didn't do anything?" she recalled every little thing that happened a few days ago.
Natsu was the quiet one right now.
After a while of thinking he sighed.
„I just didn't like that you two were so close...I know you're not weak" he mumbled in his scarf.
Lucy blushed.
//Maybe...he was jealous?// she thought with a slight shimmer of hope.
„Were you jealous..?" she asked him quietly.
„Jealous? Of what?" he asked back, looking confused and dumbfounded.
She just sighed.
Of course he wasn't.
He was just being a child, like always.

„Forget it, mind releasing me now?" she was kinda annoyed now.
„Promise not to ignore me anymore" he demanded first and she nodded in defeat.
He grinned and released her.
„Then let's go back to the guild!" he called out and dragged her with him again.

When they almost reached the guild Natsu bumped into someone and since he was Natsu he immediately was ready to fight.
„Watch where you walk, Bastard!" Natsu said.
„Natsu, stop being so rude!" Lucy scolded.
„Why? He's the one that bumped into me, Lucy!" he whined.
Suddenly the strangers eyes widened in shock.
„Lucy? Are you Lucy?" the guy asked, turning to Lucy.
// Yes, it must be her!// he thought as he inspected her.
„Uhm...yeah?" Lucy said with an unsure tone in her voice.
„So what is it to you, you weirdo?" Natsu asked and protectively stepped in front of the Blonde.

„It's me, Haru!" he gave her a little smile.


No,  he's not the Haru from Rave Master :)

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