Drifting apart

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At the guild

Narrator's P.O.V

Haru already met all the others and everyone seemed to really like him as half of the guild was surrounding him and Lucy, asking them all kind of questions.
The fire dragon slayer was not one of them though.
For the first time he didn't want to be within the crowd.
With crossed arms and an clearly upset looking face he sat at the corner of the guild, sipping on his fire cocktail.
Even Happy was with the others, trying to get as much information as he could about Haru.
Especially because it would help him to tease Lucy more.

It made Natsu so upset and angry that everyone, more importantly, Lucy, kept giving that guy so much attention.
He didn't understand why.
Why did she..they like him so much?
He's not even a mage, will he be able to join the guild?
Oh, he prayed that Makarov wouldn't allow it.
He prayed that he'd go back to wherever he came from and never comes back.
Was it selfish of him to think that way?
It was just...that Haru was so annoying.
Acts like he's such a good guy.
There must be something bad about this guy, he can't be as perfect as he's trying to show off- Natsu thought.
Natsu never felt like an outsider because he usually would just jump into others conversations, immediately making friends with others by doing so and never had he failed.
Not even once.
But now? He really didn't want to get to know that Haru.
He hated him, despised him.
„Who does he think he is..?" he mumbled in his scarf and refused to look at them any longer.
„Childhood friend of Lucy, that's who he is" Gajeel suddenly replied who had just sat next to Natsu.
„Wow, didn't know that" Natsu rolled his eyes in sarcasm.
„Shut up, Salamander. Not my fault that you're getting all jealous and ridiculous over that guy" the black haired guy was smirking now because he knew exactly he was right.
„I'm not jealous. Just look at his face. He makes me wanna throw up, I loathe him" Natsu growled.
„Sounds like jealousy to me" Gajeel kept his smirk on.
„You wanna fight, you bastard?" Natsu yelled.
Everyone just sighed at the sight of both Dragon slayers.
„Nah, I pass for today" Gajeel shrugged it off and walked off.
„Tch" Natsu hissed and sat down again as he silently watched Haru and Lucy.

At Lucy's apartment

It was already dark and Lucy still didn't return from the guild.
Natsu was already at their...at her apartment, waiting for hours.
„Is she still with him at the guild or what?" He asked himself but soon enough he heard footsteps coming closer.
He knew it was her...AND him due to their scents.
Natsu walked to the window and looked down- they were indeed together at the door.
He was really holding himself back right now.
„Get lost" he whispered to himself.

Lucy waved her friend goodbye and went inside which made Natsu smirk in victory.
//Of course she won't let him in// he smiled happily.

The door was opened and revealed the blonde who was now staring at the person who broke in again.
„Natsu! How many times do I have to tell you that I-" the dragonslayer interrupted her by laying down on her bed.
„I was waiting for you for hours" he only said.
Even such a simple sentence made her blush madly.
„Why?" she asked, hoping for a certain answer.
„Because I'm bored and Happy is with Wendy" he replied.
Lucy sighed.
//What am I even expecting from him?// she asked herself in disappointment.
„Good for you. Now LEAVE" she demanded.
„Why are you so mean to me? I didn't wait for nothing" he said, clearly offended by her attitude.
„What do you expect? Should I praise you for breaking into my apartment all the time? Should I cook you dinner? Make you a bath?" Lucy asked sarcastically.
„Well yeah, why not? That'd be nice" he replied grinning.
„Well, I'm not your wife!" she said.
„Do you have to be my wife to be nice to me?" he asked back.

It took her off guard.
He sure was getting more and more cocky over the time they got to know each other.

„No but you should be a good friend and stop harassing me!" she yelled after she had calmed herself down.
„How am I harassing you?" he asked dumbfounded.
„You're always clinging onto me like some insect! You never leave me alone!" she really tried to talk some sense into him but it didn't work at all.
Instead, she got the complete opposite reaction.
„You didn't yell at your new friend like that even though he was clinging onto you the whole time as well" Natsu crossed his arms.
„He isn't a new friend to me. He's my first friend! Also, he didn't annoy me nor did he break into my apartment like you do!" Lucy was getting headaches again.
She hated arguing with Natsu.
Not because she loved him- but rather because he never wanted to accept his mistakes nor was he even ready for a normal human adult conversation.

„I don't care about him." he said but he was pissed off for sure.
„I'm going to sleep" he said and jumped on her bed after taking off his vest and scarf.
Lucy wasn't even going to try any longer and just laid down next to him, but made sure that there was a certain distance between them.

Natsu opened one of his eyes and stared at her back.

Why did it seem like they were slowly drifting apart from each other?

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