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Narrator's P.O.V,    At the guild

„Lucy, look! I have the Fairy Tail emblem now too" Haru smiled happily and showed it proudly to his childhood friend.
Before she could react Natsu cut her off.
„Lame" he almost yawned and looked away with a bored expression on his face as he crossed his arms.
„What?" the Brunette asked dumbfounded.
Of course he noticed Natsus behavior around him but he didn't understand why.
„THIS is lame" Natsu repeated annoyed and pointed at Harus hand.
„You know, I have the emblem on my hand too" Lucy scoffed.
„You're a girl, it suits you. But he's a guy, so it looks lame" the Dragon slayer just shrugged his shoulders.
„You-" Lucy was about to start a fight with him but Haru stopped her.
„Lucy, do you think it looks lame?" he asked a little shy and showed her his hand with the Golden mark once again.
„It looks cool! And beautiful" Lucy reassured him.
„If you like it, then it's fine" he said in a somewhat flirty tone, which didn't go unnoticed by Natsu.
„Whatever" he sighed and stood up, grabbing Lucys wrist before he dragged her with him to the Request board.
„What are you doing?" she asked him as she struggled to get out of his grip.
„Looking for a job?" he duh-ed her, annoying her even more.
„We have no time, tonight is the big party you and THE OTHERS planned the whole time" Lucy pettily said.
He just grunted in defeat.

„Anyways, I'll go home now and make myself pretty together with the other girls. How about you stay here and give Haru some company? Thanks, bye!" the Blonde said and didn't even let him answer since she went out of the guild immediately.
//As if I'm going to spend time with him// Natsu thought to himself.
To his surprise he didn't need to go to him because Haru himself was the one who walked up to him.
„Where did she go?" he asked politely.
„None of your concern" Natsu responded harshly and wanted to walk away but was stopped by Haru grabbing his shoulder.
Natsu immediately shoved his hand off.
„How about we get to know each other more while Lucy is gone? I can't help but feel like you don't really like me" he laughed nervously.
Natsu just looked at him.
He was annoyed.
And once again, ANNOYED.
Annoyed to death.
But if he doesn't talk to him, Lucy will be mad.

„I don't like talking, how about we fight?" Natsu asked and clapped his fists together, letting little sparks of fire come out.
Natsus sudden movements startled the Newbie and he tripped a few centimeters backwards.
Natsu only raised his eyebrow at him.
He really was a coward.
A weak one.
„I can't really fight" Haru admitted.
„Then why are you in this guild?" Natsu asked straightforwardly.
„Huh?" Haru looked confused.
„Guilds are for taking job requests" he answered.
„Well...I wanted to be closer to Lu" he smiled.
However, it didn't make Natsu go softer.
„How is it a good thing to join a guild just to be close to someone? Are you disrespecting Fairy Tail?" Natsu glared in a threatening tone, surprising but also scaring Haru at the same time.
„But...I heard a girl named Touka also joined this guild for a certain someone" he said quietly, trying to keep the conversation cool.
„Touka can use magic. What can you do?" Natsu asked.
„Nothing" he continued.
„Except for reading boring books, I don't think you can do anything else" Natsu scoffed.
„I don't mind not being strong like everyone else here" Haru kept being positive, making the Fire dragon slayer narrow his eyes at him.
„Thats how Lucy feels t-" Natsu interrupted him angrily.
„Don't you dare compare yourself to Lucy.
She's much more than you.
Stronger, more talented and fitting to be in Fairy Tail.
She never came for just one person, but she was looking for a family.
In the beginning she couldn't even use her magic properly, yet she still saved me, Macao and Happy on our first mission....And now she's one of the strongest and kindest wizards here...You have no right to say that she's just like you" Anger was speaking out of him.
Haru was surprised at the way he talked about her.
Could it be.......?
„I see...I think I know now why you dislike me" Haru smiled.
„It's not because I'm weak...It's not because I'm only good at reading" he continued.
„It's because I'm a close friend to Lucy" he clarified, taking the Pinkhaired mage off guard.

„...I don't care about that" Natsu said untruthfully and walked to the bar.

Haru still smiled to himself.
//I guess I really do have competition, huh?// he thought to himself as he watched Natsu ordering a Fire whiskey from Mira.


😳 I don't even know how I'm going to continue the plot, lets just say I know just as much as you guys do about this fanfic 😭
I hope you like it so far ;)

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