Evening the Score

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"Wait, wait...she whistled?" Serg said, perplexed. We were back in the hotel room, thanks to Niko dragging me away from the woman I loved more than life itself. I couldn't risk her in a brawl in the middle of a crowded street, but I couldn't wait any longer to get to her. If I had to ever choose the worst form of torture, this would hands down be it. I paced a hole in the floor, stewing, fuming, trying to ignore my dumbass of a brother as my mind ran in furious circles.

"It's her safe word," Niko said, attempting to get Serg to shut the hell up.

"Gross. No offense to Ar, and—let's be honest—we all knew you were a freak in the sheets Maks, but you do that shit to her?"

I took a shuddering breath, feeling my skin tighten across my knuckles. Niko bounced up from his spot on the couch, pressing his hand to Serg's shoulder and pushing him out of the room. I could hear them squabbling all the way to the hall. Before long, Niko reappeared, face as haggard as I felt. Finally, we had some peace and quiet in which to think coherently.

He sighed, pouring us out a glass of vodka before handing it to me. I downed it in one gulp, eyes on the window, watching as the sun fell beyond the horizon and bathed the city in a bluish, wintry glow. She was out there, somewhere, just beyond my reach, and I could do nothing to get to her.

I'd never felt so damn helpless in my entire life before.

"What do we do?" I asked to the window. I could hear Niko shifting behind me.

"Well, we know she isn't with them because she wants to be. So we can rule that out, obviously. They must have nabbed her in New York that night, or found her here somehow."

"How, Niko? You seriously think they waited years for an opportunity to get back at me?"

I turned, glancing at him. His eyes darkened, his jaw clenching. He knew I wasn't going to like his answer.

"They wanted to hurt you as badly as possible, Maks. Of course they would wait this long. The longer you two were together, the more it would hurt you."

I clenched the glass, so hard I feared it would shatter in my hands.

"Explain it. Everything you see, Niko. Don't spare my fucking feelings. Tell me everything, and then we go get her the fuck away from them."

Niko rubbed his forehead before he seated himself once more. I could tell by the look on his face that he was about to blow the top off this situation, and that I wasn't going to like it. I think part of me knew for a while that Niko understood more than he let on, that he was keeping quiet so Aria and I could grow our love in some form of peace, however thin that veil of deceit was. But now was the time for the truth, and now was the time to get her back.

"It's all a set up, Maks. They don't care about her. They want you."

I nodded. Death wasn't something new to me. I daily risked my life and had come to terms with it years ago. I couldn't let Aria die, though. Not for some sick game like this. I would never forgive myself if two women I cherished and loved died on my watch. I would rather die than deal with that torment, as cowardly as that sounded.

"No, you don't get it," Niko said, shaking his head.

"Then spell it out for me, genius," I spat.

"Sure, having you die at the Rusalka's hands would be revenge for killing Benjamin—"

"Who killed fucking Violet for no fucking reason!" I roared.

Niko's face is clouded in an instant.

"You're a selfish idiot, Maks. You think she died because Ben went off the deep end?"

My chest tightened, along with my jaw.


"She died because she figured out their end goal. The Rusalka's wanted nothing more than power after their father's death. They were going to use her to get to our family, while their mother found some rich asshole here in Maine to help fund them. You and Aria have been connected for years, and you never even knew it."

His eyes are cold and steel as ice raced through my veins.

"But you did?"

He clenched his jaw again.

"I...figured it out. On accident. I wasn't sure if I was right, but after the whole Natalia fiasco, I was even more sure."

"Spit it out."

His shoulders tensed, straining against his shirt.

"It was Iryna, Maks. Natalia's friend from the engagement party. She is Benjamin's cousin, Mavka's niece. They've used her as a pawn for years. Seeing you and Aria together was the perfect turn of events to get them what they wanted."

I felt like I'd been kicked in the gut.

"And you're sure?" I seethed. He nodded, face grim.

"I have my...sources."

"And you can trust those sources?" I gritted out. His face becomes closed off, but something flashes in his gaze.

"With my life."

"So what now? We know the source of the leak, but what does this all mean?"

The room is darkened now. There is a blizzard warning that has been blaring through our phones all fucking day. Niko sighed before bringing his eyes back to mine.

"It's all a trap, Maks. To persuade you to join families, to kill you. They don't care. The Rusalka's want revenge and power, and Dmitry and Natalia don't fucking care as long as they get some recognition in the process."

"And where does that leave Aria?" I breathed, feeling that dreadful sense of foreboding. His face becomes pale.

"She's just the bait to them."

I shuddered at his words, taking a moment to steady my fury.

"And her mother?"

"The murder was planned and almost executed flawlessly, but Aria followed her, remember? That was all true. It was an unfortunate moment. Be thankful she survived, Maks. They never meant for her to live."

I turned my gaze to the white ceiling, staring at the swirling paint patterns, imagining—not for the first time—what it would be like to know you're going to die. Do you panic? Where does your mind go? I don't know that I've ever been as close to death as Aria has.

I wonder, then and there, what went through her mind in those fateful moments. What did she see, hear, feel? Did she fight off the void of death, or did she allow it to consume her in some capacity?

And will I ever get the chance to know her thoughts?
I have no choice; I have to save her, or I will lose myself completely. Without her, I will become nothing—cold, heartless, a cruel monster. I'd make Niko put a bullet in my brain before I went back to that. So how do I save her from two families who are hell bent on my destruction?

Niko shifted in his seat, about to speak, when my eyes flash to his. With a sinking feeling, I already know my fate is sealed if I want to save her—Aria, my muse, my better half, the love I never knew I needed.

"Call father, Niko. They may want to even the score, but they've chosen the wrong family to play this game with."

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