Mafia Men

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I forced Aria to sit next to me on the couch, Nick commanding the chair she'd become rather attached to, the book she'd been reading abandoned on the table near his elbow. I gripped her wrist as she fidgeted, not allowing her an easy escape this time. Nick sighed, icy eyes assessing her demeanor as he leaned forward, rubbing his hands together. He opened them before clasping them once more, searching for the right words.

"That message was intercepted early this morning. It was meant for you, but..." he trailed off. Aria tugged against me, bewildered, petrified eyes finding mine and pleading for escape. I grit my teeth together, unwilling to relent. I wanted the truth, and I would receive it.

"You're staying put, pipsqueak," I growled. Hatred flashed in her gaze.

"Aria, we're only trying to help," Nick encouraged, playing the whole good cop spiel. She tugged, trying to sign. I let up, ready to pounce if she made a dash for safety. Nick frowned, glancing at me.

"You didn't tell her?"

I knew of what he spoke, but admitting that to her, now, made my insides churn.

"You got another message, last night," I said, measuring her gaze, her mouth forming an 'o' of confusion. I raked my hand through my hair.

"I thought it was Claire when your phone lit up, so I looked. It was...from an untraceable number, and it said..." I paused, wracking my brain.

"Tell your new boyfriend about me, and I'll end you, or something like that. I took a picture and sent it to Nick's brother, and by the time I checked your phone again, it was gone..." I said, trailing off and awaiting my death sentence. Her furious eyes welled with tears as she glanced between us.

"Aria, Maks is trying to help you, and I know this seems like a grievous violation of your privacy, but—"

She shook her head, signing quickly as tears fell. She brushed them hastily away. Nick sighed, knuckles white on his knees.

"What's she saying?" I grit out. Not tearing his eyes from hers, he gave his interpretation.

"She doesn't really care that you looked, and she doesn't care that we know," he said as she continued to sign.

"She...she says to just drop it, ignore it, and forget about it."

I snorted, my next words mordacious in nature.

"We're being watched, Aria, my brother went through quite the process to make sure I knew."

Again, those wide eyes flew to mine, a tremor wracking her frame. It seemed this knowledge wasn't new to Nick, however, perhaps reason for him not wanting us to have any food delivered.

"I need a name, a phone number—something," I urged. She glanced at Nick, shaking her head, giving a quick sign with a flourish of her fingers.

"She doesn't know who it is," he said, voice a bit breathless. I could see the worry in his eyes as they flashed to me. I tried in vain to keep my quiet fury in check, and by the warning look in Nick's stare, I wasn't doing the best job.

"You have to have some idea," I said. "At least admit what happened to you wasn't an accident."

Her sorrowful eyes found mine, and I felt as though I'd been shot through the heart with a .45. In her hesitation was all the answer I needed. Sitting straighter, she wiped the tears from her cheeks again, signing so fast it was hard for even Nick to keep up.

"She says...she's never told anyone this, not even Claire. She left Maine to get away from whoever did this. After she woke up in the hospital, she got her first...message. It said to keep her mouth shut, or she'd die. Everyone blamed her for how her mother's case went unsolved..." Nick said, breathing in, gripping his knees even harder, if that were possible.

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