Dark Past

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A few hours later, the table was set, and the smell of sirloin and vegetables made my mouth water. I opted for whisky again, pouring her a glass of chardonnay. It seemed the most innocuous alcohol to give her at the moment. She'd come back down to retrieve her box, and I'd offered to bring Flounder to her room. Again, I was surprised that her fright was on the back burner, her curiosity more a priority at the moment, even after my intentions were shared.

Seated at the dining room table with my laptop, I ordered her a new phone, as well as credit card with her name attached. An email popped up in the corner, my heart skipping a beat as I saw who the sender was: Jonah. I was about to click on it before I hesitated. The shuffling of her feet made me close my laptop, saving the information for later. I stood, flashing her a smirk as I nodded to the kitchen.

"Go on, dish up," I said. She began to sign, became flustered, and sighed. I chuckled.

"Cool it, pipsqueak. Try again, mouth it and sign it so I know," I said. She reddened but obeyed.

What is it?

"Again," I said, studying the way her hands moved with narrowed eyes. I nodded, committing it to memory.

"Plov," I said. Her head quirked to the side.

"It's Russian, rice and sirloin and vegetables. Sorry, it's kinda simple," I admitted. In my defense, I hadn't planned on her being here tonight. She gave a quick smile, rubbing her flat stomach.

"Smells good?"

She nodded, beaming as I caught on. I found myself smiling against my will.

"Go on, ladies first," I urged. She made her way over, picking up a plate and scooping two steaming heaps onto her dish. I was impressed.

"Do you like white wine? I poured it without asking," I hedged, picking up my own plate. She stuck her thumb in her mouth, capturing a stray piece of rice, nodding up at me with a small smile. I snorted, completely lost in her eyes, her bubbly, innocent air.

"God, I want to fuck you," I breathed, watching as her eyes widened to saucers, her cheeks crimson. Oh fuck. I felt my own face blanche at the realization I'd said the words aloud. I pinched my eyes shut, throwing my head to the ceiling. Smooth, Maks.

"I'm sorry," I growled, returning my gaze to hers. She stood, grasping her plate in both hands, staring at me like a damn doe.

"Ignore that. I shouldn't have said that out loud," I said, frowning. She nodded, but her brows pulled together.

"Don't give me that look," I said, shoveling food onto my plate. "I'm a man, and I've made it pretty clear I'm attracted to you."

My eyes returned to hers, and she sighed, the sound annoyed and frustrated. She moved to the table, setting down her dinner and pulling out her phone to communicate. I seated myself, waiting for her reprimand. She passed me her phone.

I'm sorry that I'm not ready for anything like that

My eyes flashed to her face.

"Don't be," I growled, annoyed. She shouldn't be the one apologizing. But, in a way, she was right. She had no idea what she would unleash, once we crossed that boundary. And we would, someday, and soon. She was all I wanted, now. And I would do anything to get what I wanted. She took her phone back for a moment, tongue between her teeth as she wrote and rewrote the next message. She laid the phone next to me, abandoning it to begin eating, signing a quick thank you before digging in.

You don't want someone who can't say anything. Trust me.

My stomach dropped, my furious eyes blazing at her, but she ignored me as though she were deaf as well.

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